Lets Celebrate!
With sunshine.
With family.
With adventure.
With relaxation.
With a beautiful view of the ocean.
With a fun dip in cool blue waters.
With a weekend at the Bahamas.
With 5 star service and accommodation.
With excellent buffet spreads.

With waffles for breakfast!
With delicious seafood.
With gi-normous shrimp.
With succulent lamb.
With intoxicating cocktails.
With colourful marine fish.
With a tour of the world underwater.
With a giant STING(manta)RAY! :P
With fun waterslides.

With top notch Japanese cuisine.
With french loaves + seasoned oils.
With figs!
With adventure.
im running out of breath...
running short on things to add to my celebration list.
3 days of celebrating at the Nassau Islands later... I'm now back in Florida.
You must be wondering what Su's up to right now huh?
Plans have been made and changed..and reverted..well thought through..
..and now Su's going to be in the US for just a couple more weeks.
What for?..
ICES convention here I COME!
*gets excited!!!*
I'll be back on track with my regular blogging schedule guys; writing pages of boring ol' stories gets a little grey after a couple minutes of reading. I hope I've not put anyone to bed in the past. I'll try to switch it up more often guys. *grin*
Hi Su Yin, I'm David from Malaysia. 1st of all congratulations on your graduation.
Really like to read your blog and is very interesting to see what you are doing. I learn a lot of baking and cooking stuff from your blog. Is really cool!.
Keep on the good work!;)
hey su :) not sure if there's a huge diff but that's a manta ray from memory :P
I just wanted to let you know how much I love your blog! I'm a California girl (Year 10) and I love baking, too! I mostly love how your write and your photographs and extravagant (and not to mention delicious, inspiring me to bake bake bake). Thanks for providing me with a good time!
Congrats on your graduation!
You're awesome!
- Khadijah
Im reading this with green-eyed envy...you lucky girl! Hope you enjoy your holiday and congratulations on your graduation. Looking forward to even more scrumptious sweet stuff on the blog. Take care!
Congrats on your graduation, Su! You must be very happy and your family must be so proud of you ^_^ .
Can't wait to see what's coming up next on your journey!! Have fun at the ICES convention and don't forget to blog about it ^_^.
Hi Su, I've enjoyed reading your blog, especially while you were at the Notter school. Fabulous blog and photos. I will also be at the ICES convention. I'm from Canada and a bunch of us will be there for 7 days. Maybe I will see you there. :)
HI! how are you?
darling Su Yin
you are a very beautiful girl
kisses from Italy
Wonderful holiday! I'm jealous. Hehe.
Congratulations once again Su. I've followed you from when you graduated in Oz and now this. Well done, and your parents look so proud. I'm sure you have many surprises in store for us. I can't believe 6mths just flew by.
david san: Hi david! nice to hear from you. thanks for leaving a msg; really means a lot. Hope to see you drop by again some time soon.
bev: why thank you for pointing out my ignorance; i still have no clue what exactly is the difference. :P
ladyblack: hi there! you sound so absolutely awesome! thank you so much for the kind words on my photography and writing. I hope the baking is working out for ya ;)
jen: wow... my blogger idol has dropped by to say hello! haha you're still my superstar jen. I havn't seen a food blog i love more than yours. You're my hero! I heard you're going to europe soon! excited?
hany: thanks! are you going for the ices too?
helen: hi there; would really love to meet up with ya! I bet there will be thousands of women though! haha i can't wait!
carmen: hi carmen... Oooo... italian kisses.. haha Thanks for leaving me such a sweet message.
singairishgirl: hi there! thanks for the congratulatory wishes; it's alawyas so nice to hear from you. My parents are pretty happy now that I've completed another phase of my life; im quite excited to move on. 6months didn't feel like much at all huh? *sigh*
Hey Su! No, I won't be going to ICES... :-(. Maybe next year... ^_^
They seem terrific, I'm sure you had a blast!
Congrats! You must be excited and so accomplished.
Carolina - Puerto Rico
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