I admit; it's nothing like back home...where we get to catch up with family and be merry in houses and streets filled with festive cheer!

After class this afternoon; I took a short drive down to a Chinese bakery I've spotted on the way home. Walking into the shop splendidly decorated with red and gold new year trimmings made me feel all warm inside. I made a couple of purchases for this Friday and had a short chat with the bakery owner who was from Hong Kong. The lady was very helpful and sweet. Speaking in Cantonese made my heart skip a beat. I know it's only been less than 2 months since I've left home, but it's real difficult to not feel this way knowing that this new year's eve is going to be a quiet one for me. I've been around on my own for many many years now....but this is the one season I've always returned to Malaysia for. I feel it's the most important time for the family to be together; and not being able to be there with them this year breaks my heart. I want to help mom with her elaborate decorations. I want to be there as she goes crazy with red ribbons and bows in every corner of the house! I want to make cookies and sweet treats for dad to pig out on. I want to run errands with sis as we argue and fight about everything under the sun! I want to serve grandpa tea and wish him good health and a happy new year.. .. just thinking about home and wondering how big my cousins and nieces/nephews have grown almost brings me to tears.
I'm determined to make my new year a happy one too! My new friend Kassy and I will be having dinner together tonight. It wouldn't be the traditional 'family-reunion' dinner; but at least we aren't going to be alone.
Ah well... class in the morning; and homework to do...more reading of the 'bread' chapter.
I'll sign off by wishing everyone a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS new YEAR!
And a very happy lunar new year to you too. May the year of the rat bring you good tidings.
Happy New Year to you, dear sweet girl =)
Hope you have a good new year filled with lots of good treats :)
Hi Su,
My name is Sandra and I started reading your blog from a link on another food blog. It's definitely become one of my favorite things to read! I love all the food you make (the photos are awesome); and the desserts are to die for. I live up in Maryland, so I'm a bit envious that you're down in Florida with nicer weather :). Thanks so much for chronicling your journey at the Notter School! I study physiology now, but it has always been my dream to attend culinary school. So I'm kinda living vicariously through your adventures :P.
Up until last year, I would always be stuck at school during Chinese new year as well. So I would also celebrate with my roommates and friends at school. Happy Chinese New Year! And may this next year be prosperous and full of good fortune :)
Dear Su,
Kong Hey Fatt Choy! Have a wonderful, joyous & prosperous one okay!
Happy and Healthy New Year to you!! :) Your entry makes me teary eyed :(
Ahh... I feel the same too. It just is different without family. I studied in Brissy and always went home for CNY. This year, I celebrate it with friends in Israel. It's nice but it ain't the same. :)
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best.
happy chinese ney year babe :))
Happy Chinese New Year!
Hey there-
I hope that you have a fablous New Year!
I, too, have found you from another blog. You are such a delight to read. I live in Orlando and am fascinated to hear what you have to say about our town.
It is very difficult to be so far from home. Hang in girl!!
I wish you the best out of life and MUCH success following your dreams!
Gong Xi Fa Cai to you Su-yin. Hope you and Kassy had a great reunion together, the two of you in the same plight. Poor gals. But worry not as you will be home next year. :) I wish you success in your endeavour and may this year of the rat be a good one for you.
Sun Nin Fai Lok, SU!
I've loved reading your blog for months (& i went all the way back to read every single post, since the very beginning!), and after reading this post -- you mentioned the magic word 'Cantonese' (i'm from Hong Kong! : D) -- i decide to leave my first comment here : )
Thank you so much for sharing your enthusiasm with us through this blog. I started my food blog (sharethefood.blogspot.com) due to your inspiration, and that i do hope to go to culinary school in the near future : )
God bless!
I'm glad with your course in Orlando... I feel you are starting a New Year, with your aficions in first place... and this is gorgeous, because is just the thing I'm not doing now!
Best regards for this New Year!
gong xi fa cai!
no wonder you miss it! what a celebration!
i'm curious as to what is cooked at the vegetarian dinner? i'm always searching for new and exciting veggie meals for our dinner table!
Su, wishing you and your family, kung hei fatt choy!!!
Happy New Year! I lived many years ago in Hawai'i. My roommate for over two years was Shao Fen. She was from Taipei & we had such fun together on New Year! I miss all the yummy foods we would cook for each other and also a great time at the festivities and street venders treats of "Chinatown". I'm living in Central Illinois now so I very much miss the foods, celebrations and wishing people a prosperous New Year with out them looking at me strangely. ^_^ I happened upon your Blog by accident; I think I was doing a picture search and it led to one of your wonderful (!!!) photos. I really enjoy your Blog & have been visiting for almost a month now. I apprenticed as a chef when I was in Hawai'i and continued as a chef in Flagstaff, Arizona for many years. I love your enthusiasm and also connect with the homesickness you feel. Let its poignancy make the good times be all the sweeter. I wish you much joy in your life & learning.
Thanks so much everyone for making me feel I'm not alone during this chinese new year season. It was really sweet of you. :) I love receiving comments from everyone. It really makes a difference when there are responses to the things you say.
Sandi c: :) I wish you all the best in your journey sandi; don't worry; it's never too late ;)
prudence: WOW! I was excited to hear from you :) Thanks for leaving me a msg. I'm actually beginning to feel a little more at home in your beautiful city.
hei: Awww...thats so cool that you've started your own blog@! I'll definitely check it out! All the best girl~ Lotsa luck with your passions :)
robie: Hmm... it really depends; If i were to eat vegetarian; i'd make fresh vegetables, lots of grains...nuts and soy products. Try an eggplant lasagne! It's my FAv veggie meal ;)
laurel : it is so amazing to hear from you. THanks for sharing your experiences laurel. It's amazing to see chefs dropping by and wishing me luck. XOXO
Hi Su, it's a late post, but I just want you to know that your family misses you too. I've been gone for CNY 7 yrs out of 8 because I've been in North America for school and work. CNY here is not at all the same as in Malaysia, with our families. My in-laws are in Toronto, but then again the "mood" is not there because CNY is not a public holiday here. Like you, I try to create the awareness of CNY with the people around me, so I made CNY cookies for the first time in my life to share them with my co-workers in the office. And I also got everyone out to eat at the Chinese buffet at the mall. That's all we can do here, really.
Hi Su Yin,
Gung Hay Fat Choy! I wish you a very Happy New Year. My daughter age 2 is adopted from China. My husband and I are in the process of adopting our second child another little girl from China to be named Kailey. Coincidence I nicknamed my first daughter Yingy. I have to be careful as her name is Stefanie Ai Ying. Stefie keeps telling everyone her name is Yingy and people are confused. This is the only time I have ever heard the nickname.
I just found your blog today and I thank you for sharing all of your wonderful photos and experience at the Notter School. You have done an amazing job and you have an incredible talent. I've always been told to do what you love! It is obvious you are doing what you love and your passion shows in your writing and photos.
I was looking for information on Ewald Notter and Sugar Artistry when your blog came up. I saw Mr. Notter on the Food Network and only saw him for a few seconds but the images stayed in my mind and the segment did not say who he was.
Thanks again for sharing all of your adventures. Best wishes for an amazing New Year! I look forward to following you blog.
Diana, Jon & Stefanie
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