.... "wweeee?" *giggle*
Safe to say; my freezer is now fat and carb-filled with all that baked gluten! I love the loaves too much to throw them away! Refreshing them in my oven before dipping them in soups/stews keeps them perfectly safe to store.
Several of us kiddies managed to make the most of our dreadful waiting times for proofing, benching, resting, fermenting..*ahhh*.... I really hope monkey-ing around in class won't get us in trouble with our marks on professionalism! I don't think Chef Mary and Daniel will pick on our playful-ness if they catch us messing with our breads.

It's finally decided; I'm about to switch to a MacBook. Yes.. Su is about to get 'apple-ed' *laughs* I'm trying to get a good deal right now. I really love the way it looks; how it's incredibly light and of course how much I've heard about it running very well too. *shrug* What do you think?
I have a MacBook Pro... got it almost a year ago. LOVE IT immensely!!
You use Picasa for your photos right? I don't think Picasa can run on a Mac (becasue it's a .exe file).... but do let me know if yuo manage to do so! :)
Hello. My friend Shalini led me to your blog and I just have to say I really enjoy reading your blog. Like yourself I also have a passion for food (although more to the cooking side). Happy baking!
I was a PC girl my entire life until last summer when my husband and I had to replace our dying desktop. We decided to go for a laptop - he really wanted a MacBook Pro, and I was kind of anti them at first because they're so expensive and I thought it would be hard to make the switch. But I loved it so much I went out and got myself a (regular) MacBook too! They are so user friendly and just all around fantastic in my opinion.
i think you should go with a mac, but don't do the new 'air'. it lacks a lot of features (ex. CD drive). it's a great concept for people on the 'go', but for everyday use, just do the regular macbook!
mac book is great. i was sick of the windows interface. its not without its flaws but on a whole i would go for mac book anytime. (well, almost.. if u not count those times where programmes cant run cos its not mac-ed)
Hey guys; I've just gotten my macbook. Havnt exactly gotten used to it; i have still been stuck to this old laptop of mine! haha I will eventually get acquainted to the mac. I kinda need some time to sit down and really play with it. It's so different! I NEED TO RIGHT CLICK!@!! hahaha.. it's kinda awkward; but Im sure i'll love it in no time!
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