I had an unhealthy addiction to this new found Chinese dish piled up with oil drenched deep fried seafood of all sorts laced with large amounts of excessive sodium. *shiver* Not surprising why it's finger licking good. It's unfortunately difficult to run away from; considering how it's spotted in almost every Chinese menu in the City.
I was very fortunate during Diwali a couple of weeks back when I visited Pinky's Aunt and her family in Epping. They had a very talented chef friend who volunteered to cook up a feast for everyone and lucky ol' me got to help out as the little apprentice. *grin* I learnt SO much in 1/2 a day. More than any book could teach me in a week. I would like to thank Mr Barry "good-liver" for teaching me so much about seafood preparation, cleaning, flavoring....and for the many funny and inspiring stories about making THE kitchen, cooking and food a career. *I hope he reads this post one day* Haha.
I'll share a simple trick I learnt that afternoon with everyone. It's great for a quick fix when I crave something "salt-and-pepper" but could do without the excess cholesterol from the Chinese take-away down the street.
Many are probably wondering what's with the question mark __?__ in my post title, well... leaving a blank allows space for creative variations for this salt&pepper mixture. I would toss this seasoning with prawns, squid, calamari, fried chicken, pork nuggets, etc...etc... "sweet things and pastry" should be where that line is drawn. *shudder*
coarse grained salt (I used 1 cup)
ground black pepper (I used 1/2 cup)
2-4 star anise (depending on the amount of seasoning made)- I used 2
Pour all ingredients in a large wok and saute on medium heat for 10-12 minutes or until fragrant and salt turns lightly brown(beige). Remove from heat and store in a dry container.
I used my first batch of seasoning on deep fried pork wanton's and the next on calamari.ground black pepper (I used 1/2 cup)
2-4 star anise (depending on the amount of seasoning made)- I used 2
Pour all ingredients in a large wok and saute on medium heat for 10-12 minutes or until fragrant and salt turns lightly brown(beige). Remove from heat and store in a dry container.

To make beautifully curled and diagonal diamond designs like in magazines and restaurants, slit the cyclindrical portion of the squids bo

You beat me!
Was planning to make salt and pepper chicken wings the other day, but the thought of the oil needed made me shiver. Plus my camera's broken, so couldn't take decent photos, hence no update on my food blog.
Btw, was at Kylie's engagement and saw your cake. Was great. =)
salt and pepper mix..so that's how we make it..interesting...thanks for sharing
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