November 7, 2006

Red Azuki bean Ice-cream

In Malaysia, the Azuki bean is more commonly known as "Hong dou" in cantonese, "kacang merah" in Malay...or just "Red bean" in English. Though rarely seen or used in Asian cuisine, black, white and gray azuki bean variations exists as well. I've never seen or took notice of these different ones; but will definitely keep a look out for them.In most oriental countries, the red bean is widely used in desserts in forms of sweet pastes, pastry fillings, post-dinner soups/drinks, a range of candy and not forgetting decadent icy pops of red bean ice-cream. The local Malaysian ice-cream vendors would sell these in cylindrical pop sticks which we are called "Ice-cream Potong" in Malay. "Potong" meant "to cut/slice" which was how the ice-cream was formed into 5 inch servings where an icecream stick would be pushed up one end for our tiny fingers to grab as we devoured the cold treat.
Having red bean ice-cream after so many years is certainly nostalgic...brings back many memories of fun-filled night market escapades with sis. She used to love the magic tricks, intelligent toys and puzzles...I on the other hand was there for the fOOD!...*laughs* sigh...My obsession with all things edible goes wayyyyy back *wink* haha.

1 cup cream
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup coconut flavored evaporated milk (from Carnation) Use "coconut milk" if you like.
1/4 cup castor sugar
2 egg yolks

1/2 cup ready made azuki bean paste
** (preferably coarse) with bits of beans left to chew on. Make homemade bean paste if you have time. Cook beans in diluted sugar syrup till soft and mushy over the stove.

Beat egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl till pale and creamy. Heat cream and milk and coconut milk in a large saucepan till slightly bubbly and simmering around the sides. Stir constantly. Add cream mixture into egg yolks in a thin stream, beating as you go along. Set aside to cool for at least 1-2 hours. Set up the ice-cream maker and use as directed in the manual.

Scoop prepared ice cream into a large tub and fold in red bean paste gently. Transfer mixture to a 1 liter tub and smoothen the surface. Freeze for another couple of hours...scoop out..feed the anxious taste-testers and feed self with excess from the tub *MmMmmmm....yummmm...* LOL**tip: if you want red bean icecream but not the trouble of making your own with an icecream maker, buy a pack of red bean paste...a tub of vanilla ice-cream and fold it in...takes less than 2 minutes, I heard its just as satisfying. *shrug* Anyone willing to try that out and tell me how it turns out?


Anonymous said...

Wow~ i love red bean icec cream, i'll definitly get my girlfriend to make that one! and who is that young handsome man? he looks very 'Aladdin-ish~ hmmmm....

Brilynn said...

I love red bean! I know I can't get it here though, I'll have to wait until I'm back in the city, sigh.

Anonymous said...

Okieee now its so definitely paid for itself already..the ice cream maker i meant....Gosh! Now I plan to go scout around town and look for it, but knowing Kuching, I doubt if they have an ice cream machine maker.....:( however, no matter, I'm sure I can find it in KL.

Anonymous said...

suyin i want...

Su-Yin -Décorateur said...

anonymous: LOL..its my taste tester..stop perving :P haha

brilynn: Hmm theyre pretty common at asian grocery stores..and asian grocery stores are pretty common..not too certain how far away you are from the city..but good luck on the hunting :) lol

Quavadis: Haha i doubt Malaysian electronic stores have many icecream makers for sale..but try might get lucky ;) lol

ling: finish dee...:( LOL, jo ate too MISS YOU!!! lets go kaikai!