Why did you get this? I do wedding cakes; that's Delectable.. we don't do planning. She nods and chuckles. "You should be needing it soon.... right?..."
...this was me = !!!!!
...wow.. mom's really got some tact with dropping hints. damn.. Haha

From the industry I work in; I scan through countless magazines and printed material and blogs about weddings; generally looking for trends and keeping myself updated specifically. Now what we've mostly got are resources online which share valuable information and contacts.
One of my favourite new haunts happen to be Wedding Guide Asia. It is a bridal portal run by the beautiful and incredibly charming Stephanie Chai. She's just mindblowingly inspiring; this pretty lady has got it all. If you haven’t heard of Stephanie Chai, she’s a top model and TV host here in Malaysia. She had the idea of starting up a bridal portal after she became maid of honour for a friend of hers.. and found that there was a need for a web portal like this!
After having a coffee or two with Stephanie; Delectable now has a directory page listing in the Little White Book and we’re looking forward to having our cakes featured on Wedding Guide Asia soon too!
If you're going to be married soon; or if you've got plans.. it's a good idea to check them out. I just go on to browse for fun; and for work... I suppose... till one day my prince charming comes along; and I need to actually put it to full use. *dreamy grin*

Well done Sue!! Another step ahead =) I can't help but to admire your determination and creativity. Love your cakes too. *big hugs* Love, sharon (the girl who gave you that CNY card this year =P)
Wow your cake designs are totally amazing...so inspirational :)
Don't we all love all pretty things and wish for princes charming.
this is so cute...!
I love the wedding cake!
Looks great!
The wedding cakes looks really lovely!
I think most mums start thinking seriously about their kids getting married some day when the kids are in their teens, and as soon as they hit 24-25 they start nagging them about it. I'm worried my mum will start soon. :P They just wants to see us happy and settled down though I guess. We'll be the same one day.
sharon: HEY!! yes you! hahaha thanks so much! it was really sweet of u. xo it's still on display in the shop! hehe
Thanks everyone else for leaving comments. sorry it took me forever to respond :( sigh* blogging has taken a back seat to my work at Delectable.
lilly: i'm sure i will.. that's what mom says too! hehe
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