Those who have been with me through my cooking adventures for quite some time now; will probably remember a TOga Party we had at our place about a month ago. There were a couple of white Russians at the party; but the best "white Russian" of the night was a DELIcious cocktail our friend shaun stirred up for us! It was a mixture of kahlua, milk and vodka. YUM!
I've been preparing food for our party tonight and I decided to make mini 'white-Russian' cheesecakes! I sneaked in bite from a crumbled cupcake and was amazed at how great it tasted!! If you don't mind crack-ing cupcakes, you're welcomed to try my recipe :).The recipe was my basic cheesecake recipe and;
1/2 cup of kahlua
1 1/2 tbsps Absolut Vanilia
50 gms melted white chocolate
2 tsp sifted cocoa powder
Divide the batter into 3 different bowls and add kahlua to one, white chocolate and vodka to the second and cocoa powder in the third. Layer the different flavours as you desire, I guess a marbled effect will work as well....1 1/2 tbsps Absolut Vanilia
50 gms melted white chocolate
2 tsp sifted cocoa powder

The taste and texture of these little gems were well worth the cracking!! It's probably one of the best cheesecake flavour combinations I've ever had .

The patch up really works good. That a good video hehehehe :)
haha, love the video!
my friend brought her cream cheese, butter and canned berries from perth. we'll be baking some hopefully yummy cheesecake soon.
you n i should get together and get into some baking frenzy!
yummmm...that was so good la. next time u have any parties im gonna just eat desserts!
heyy suyin!! the cheesecake was abso-f***ing-lutely delicious!! ur an awesome cook/chef... and thanks sooooo much for a great party last nite too though it was kinda quiet, which was a different environment, but an individual one nonetheless! and thanks again for letting us 3 watch brazil v france.. though all you went to sleep.. ahahaha! we'll go for nando's on wednesday lunch, okie?? hahaha! owh owh... can i also have a recipe for choc chip cookies too please?? hahaha! thanks!!
Cute video, Suyin. Of course, I'm biased in favour of anything that has music from Grease! I think that the cakes still look fantastic.
puspha: thanks ! haha I was desperate; used squeezes of whipped cream to save it! Matched up with the texture of the cake really well too! LOL
tytty: glad to hear about how you and your friend will be getting some baking done too!! its great to spend time with friends to catch up and bake delicious goodies in the kitchen. It's my favourite spot in the house!
Lingling: AHHH!!! HUG** I love you my super-lucky-dice-rolling partner!! great game played with you in risk; we gave them a fair fight! sorry if i got you deaf with my shouting and yelling! HAha, it was probably the alcohol >.< LOL
Hon: I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself :). I'm not sure bout everyone else.....but I personally had a great time. I'm tired out of my a** though! Haha I havn't stopped going around till now...havnt had a decent night of sleep since the exams were over. we'll catch up at nando's soon k, after we all calm down and recover! HAha...ill give you a written copy of the chocolate chip cookies then.
Nic: Thanks Nic, I've been going through a video taking phase...need to punch up my writing skills a little...I think I'm pretty boring when it comes to words! haha...I'm all for retro music as well!
hehe, i had such experience once before. my Cheesecupcakes cracked like urs too *bummer*..u looked n sounded exactly like me when dat happened! *laughs* but i cant take too much cream so my patchup was chocolate-y ;) now exams over edy, bake more!! (im hooked onto ur blog, cant wait for d next entry)
Haha mess-ups happen in my kitchen one tooo many times! but I usually quickly patch it up somehow....and shush up....haha nobody really notices the mistakes if it doesnt taste weird or if you dont go ON and On about it! haha That's y I dont like rigid recipes; if i make a mistake....i alter it; and it's MY new recipe :P
hehe *cheeky grin*
Hi Suyin... after trying your lava cake.. and it's was so great! Today i just went out to grab some Absolut Vanilia and wanted to try out this recipe. But afer reading thru.. it doesn't tell much about the ingredients or steps... I was wondering, if you don't mind, can u share your this speical recipe by email me the details... Thanks.. my email add is
Thanks alot.....
ellena: use the same cupcake recipe from here... http://cookingismypassion.blogspot.com/2006/06/bulls-eye-cupcakes.html
Divide the batter into 3 separate bowls; and add the ingredients as listed.
first bowl: Kahlua
Second bowl: white chocoalte + vodka
thrid: cocoa powder
Bake and layer as usual. There are hint on how I did it in the video :)
hope this helps
I've used your bullseye cheesecake recipe as a base twice thus far and they've been delicious both times!
I always use cupcake liners, however. Do you grease the pans to prevent the cakes from sticking without liners? If so, what do you use?
Thanks a bunch for all your amazing recipes and photos :)
thats great kristy! ...I actually have never greased my pans for cheesecakes... I have non stick muffin tins and I wiggle them out off the sides a little before popping them off. it usually works well for me that way.
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