You could pace yourself with a push of a couple buttons and you know exactly where you were headed;... how.... when and how you would feel by merely reading the blinking red LEDs right in front of you.
If you needed to know how your heart was feeling; touch the metal bars and an exact number gauges for you to need to push harder or take a breather.
It would definitely keep life steady with precision; but oh so boring it would be! *laughs*
Why this sudden thought about treadmills you ask?
Well.. i've been on the little hamster track for humans lots the past couple of weeks. I've gotten way out of shape in the last year and have probably neglected my health and fitness more than I should as a girl in her early 20's. This is when I should be looking my best no? *sigh* I thought to myself; if this is my 'best' i better be fixing it up a little while i still can!
I often choose to debate in my head that my working hours and cake lugging job gives me all the exercise I need; but it isn't long before I admit to myself that it's a different form of activity all together. It's taken a while and many low times to bring me back to the realization that priorities; just like life, is ever changing...and I suppose i didn't get the memo to have mine updated the past few years! *tsk tsk*
I hadn't actually made a physical list of the things which should be readjusted; and they've naturally fallen into place after a fair number of harsh lessons I had learnt. Right now; it really should be about me, adventure and a good understanding of strong basics in life. That would mean; physical health, happy relationships with family + friends, opportunities and lots of new exciting explorations! I had misunderstood all that for W.O.R.K. Well... work and career are two words which are often intertwined and incorrectly assumed. I've learnt that in order to achieve your dream career; work is inevitable, but by no means does that equate to : by merely doing the work; a dream career will lay itself on my doorstep. I often have so much to do; it's easy to forget to dream. I dreamt alot. I used to. It fed my passion.
I'll let you in on a funny secret. During my brisk walks and jogs on the treadmill; i'm focused. I've got my favourite music in my ears; i'm running to no where! but my mind is running to bigger things; to bigger dreams and to the many places my passion for life brings me. It's my 'me' time.... i can't say it doesn't get addictive! LOL i'm on that running belt path to no where every single day! *face ->palm*
Close to a month back (I know...i know..; it took me THIS long >.< ) a pleasant surprise popped up in my Inbox.
The very sweet and renown Amri Rahim from DDB pr. wrote to us about the launch of Noemia; the latest ladies' range by Raymond Weil. It was named after and inspired by the daughter of the brand's CEO, Olivier Berheim. He mentioned how they were wanting to celebrate 6 young ladies who the brand feels are successful in their own fields - exemplary stories of independent spirits that at the same time epitomizes the characters of Noemia.
His email read:
"We are proud to select you as one of the six individuals, a true inspiration to other young ladies out there."
*WEE!!~~ Su gets excited*
The beautifully crafted collection represents beauty, femininity, modesty, independence and the optimistic nature of the modern woman. I was incredibly honoured to be picked as one of the 6!
There was going to be a meet and greet with the CEO himself; a photoshoot, a fun launch night and exciting new people to get acquainted with.
Being amongst these other beautiful young ladies who have excelled in their fields respectively was incredibly humbling and nerve wrecking! *laughs*
The 6 of us were comprised of; talented jazz singer Atilia, fun and bubbly photographer Fiona from FIFOTO, elegant and charming fashion designer Izrin of Innai, movie director Mui of Da Huang pictures, Moana a passionate female pilot and me.
Congratulations Su!!!
Hi Su,
I really envy u, to be able to make a name for urself at such young age with ur dream job.
It's really not easy to be able to do wat u love...keep it up!...Hope 1 day, I'll visit ur shop in KL.
Florz from S'pore
That's phenomenal.
Keep on running and let time do the catching. :)
Ever so proud of you.
Well done! You truly are an inspiration - I've always known! ;)
wow amazing! congratulations suyin :)) you are indeed an inspiration to others! takecareee *hugs*
That's fantastic!! Well done!! I'm real happy for you!
Congratulations Su and well done!! You deserve every bit of it.
Congratulations Su!!!
You are definitely an inspiration for girls.... and some grown women ;)
Keep following your dreams, it has been wonderful watching you succeed :D
WOW,Su! Congratulations!!! :D I'm so happy for you!
Well done! Congratulations!!!
congrats to you... that's like the most honourable award that people around our age could get.. we readers are definitley happy for you..
keep it up, and remember to take good care of yourself (judging frm your tweets, you must be really busy and haven't got enough of time to rest).
Congratulation Su! It's so awesome and totally well deserved. You are truly an inspiration to everybody who reads and follows your journey! ^_^
Congratulations Su! Keep reaching for your dreams and continue to inspire a lot of women in all parts of the globe. I'm so happy for all your achievements in life. It's really great to watch you succeed in your chosen career. You are truly an insipration! :)
congrats Su, you really are in a class of your own. and still down to earth. so when's the next meal in KL? hehe ...
Wow congratulations! Your parents must be very proud of you!!! And so are we bloggers!
Congratulations Su!!! Ipohans are proud of you :)))
Hi Su yin,
Congratulations to you, keep it up. Your future is very bright. GOD Bless
Congrats Su... U r truly an inspiration!!!
congrats Su!
I had a retail store for three years and I let that really get in the way of life. I stopped working out and gained 10 lbs (which is a lot for my height). That was during my early 20s as well.
It's amazing how thoughtful you are and I have no doubt that this is just the beginning.
Congratulations Su - you are so deserving. I'm an avid reader of your blog and will be visiting KL in Dec/ Jan. Delectable will be one of my first places to visit when I get off that plane. Viv from Perth
Well done! You certainly deserved it!
Phenomenal! Congrats Su! I hope you would be free to meet up when I am down soon :D
Dear Su, you really are an inspirational phenomenon to women our age. You will go very far (: keep it up!
haha; i've been wearing my watch I received as a gift occasionally; it's pretty cool!
Thanks for all the words of advice and congratulatory encouragement guys!
I really do hope this just is the tip of the iceberg; i've got a long way to go!
amanda: time will never catch meh! NEVAH! hahah
will stay 21 forever and ever~ haha >.<
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