"One World One Dream" fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream. It expresses the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals, to strive for a bright future of Mankind. In spite of the differences in colors, languages and races, we share the charm and joy of the Olympic Games, and together we seek for the ideal of Mankind for peace. We belong to the same world and we share the same aspirations and dreams.I've been inspired by the many incredible feats and record breaking strength and endurance witnessed in this years Beijing Olympics.
Apart from being completely engrossed with my business ordeals and all things cake; I've had my eyes glued to the tube. The Olympics is one of the few things which brings the world and all humanity together. Our nations pride and joy are sent out to compete with their best efforts against the worlds best. Here you see pure passion; pure discipline... talent like no other. We put aside our favourite TV shows; we decline party invitations and we make exceptions for television during family dinners. It really does throw us off our schedules for this brief 17 days.
Who would have thought how much influence competitive sport could bring to the world.
So what's your favourite Olympic sport?
Who's your favourite Olympian?
My personal favourite is badminton + table tennis...
.... and my hero is Micheal Phelps in swimming.
Ahh... I suppose the gymnastics are nice to watch too. I was all smiles watching this years team of men gymnasts from Japan. *grin* Yes... sorry I can be shallow too sometimes. *giggle* Su is human! she's just a girl... who loves beautiful things. *grin*
Alright ...alright.. back to more serious matters... such as Cake; I was inspired by the opening ceremony of the Olympics by the Chinese. It was a grand event.. mesmerising and intricately choreographed. I was very much impressed...and very proud to have Chinese blood in me that night! *laughs*
What really caught my attention was the unfolding of this enormous ancient scroll. It gave out a significant message for the beginning of the games and it was hard not to be completely blown away by the beauty of it all. *sigh* what can we not do with technology these days.
The order was put in just this Tuesday; Pui San called for cakes as she was organizing a party for both her friends on Friday. I would usually freak out with the rushed order and decline. But it was for Pui San; the sweetest customer and friend; I couldn't say no. I love her so much! Feedback came in yesterday for both the cakes they presented for 3 birthday celebrants yesterday. It was a success!! Ahhh... nothing beats successful deliveries. She raved over the cake flavours and mentioned how the guests were very impressed with the cakes as well. AHhh I'm so happy. She had me skipping about my living room. Dad and mom shook their heads at their silly little girl.
Both cakes? you ask..
Well there is one more... you'll have to wait for tomorrow. *grin*
What a beautiful cake Su! Unique! Bravo Su!
hey im the daughter of one of the birthday ppl u made the cake for..the one where u made the MU jersey..was wondering if you could post the pictures cause my dad didnt take any. lol thanks. =)
su my dear you are a magnificant cake artisan and I would NEVER refuse a slice of your cake ;)
wow, so very beautiful.
Hi hi
my friend whom i call shoo referred your blogsite to me. i was sick of making ang moh recipes and she brought me here. you'll be please to know i bought ingredients for the jap chae? korean potato noodle thingy. and chicken kat su don. so will be cookin that in next few days!
BUT i've been wanting to ask. if you knew how to make my most favourite adored deeply loved singapore hawker dish? or any idea how you think its made? its called chai tao kuay. or carrot cake. not the ang moh type of cos. do u know which one? the white type not the black type?
if you're not too busy, or have any idea how you think its made from your past experience of self made dishes........
hint hint wink wink nudge nudge...
well i was hoping you could try making it and you post your concoction. ha. but i think thats quite an effort. perhaps you know of people who've tried? or you've peeped at the uncle cooking it and you secretly jotted down the process in your head?
if not thats cool. i'm suppose to be doing school work but i decided to randomly post a long winded post here...
ok i'll get back to work. keep up the bloggin!
i forgot to leave my name. ha.
i'm amanda.
ok bye.
Here is Chai Tau Kueh recipe
Hi Guys; thanks for the comments. I've been so behind on replying comments lately. I do apologize. BLogging has been incredibly difficult for me with all the other important tasks i have in a day! haha I wanan be a kid again.
Thanks so much for leaving comments. It's amazing people like you who keep me awake till 2 am; making sure there are more pictures for everyone in the morning. XOXO
*Do let us know how your chai tau keuh attempt comes out.
Thanks linda for linking her up :) that was very helpful.
I stumbled upon your blog when i searched for "sago". I must say, that's got to be the prettiest cake I have ever seen. Amazing!!
there is a god! or in this case...linda!
thanks! will give it a go next week.
fingers crossed.
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