Its been 2 days full of baked goodies and lingering scents of sugar and spice throughout our classrooms. I know I havn't exactly been updating frequently enough recently; but this weekend has been extremely packed for Su. It's difficult to get my photos on here and to put aside some time to talk about the many things we've made the past week of Petit fours.
Lavender short bread squares

Checkerboard cookies

Cherry bombs
Mini florentines

I guess it's also valentines day..and everyone had plans or were making plans to celebrate. Personally; I'm not the biggest fan of valentines day. Call me a cynic but I don't think there should be a specific day a year set aside to show someone you care. It can be valentines day EVERYday if you want it to be. I feel corporations and a portion of the shallow minded community have taken advantage of this 'special' day to make more $$ and receive more presents/gifts. *shrug* Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to be bitter, I just have the impression that valentines day is all about the chocolate and flowers more than its true meaning.
The NotterSchool had Valentines day candy bags for us;
I thought it was a sweet of them.... kinda made me feel like I was in play school though. *laughs*
Oh~ Something cool happened last Saturday back in Oz-land! My humble little journal was featured on the Sydney Morning Herald! How cool~ *yay*
Lavender short bread squares

I guess it's also valentines day..and everyone had plans or were making plans to celebrate. Personally; I'm not the biggest fan of valentines day. Call me a cynic but I don't think there should be a specific day a year set aside to show someone you care. It can be valentines day EVERYday if you want it to be. I feel corporations and a portion of the shallow minded community have taken advantage of this 'special' day to make more $$ and receive more presents/gifts. *shrug* Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to be bitter, I just have the impression that valentines day is all about the chocolate and flowers more than its true meaning.
The NotterSchool had Valentines day candy bags for us;
Oh~ Something cool happened last Saturday back in Oz-land! My humble little journal was featured on the Sydney Morning Herald! How cool~ *yay*
Bravo, SU!! I'm so proud of you! :P Anyhoo, I tried your Chili Crab recipe and my boyfriend loves it! so do I?? we're Asian remember? We all love hot and spicy.LOL.
Take Care Always!
Woah! Having your blog in the paper is so awesome. Those cookies from the last two posts look absolutely dee-lish! This past fortnight I've been unable to bake for one reason or another and seeing your blog and all the yummy pictures has totally stressed me out. I need to bake! Keep those pictures coming, doll! You're doing fab!
wow!!! I'm feeling happy for you! Great job and u really deserve it!
go su yin go!^___^
Curious question! how do you finish all those sweet foods you cook everyday?
Su! I've been following your blog since you were back in Aus. Keep up the great (yummy) work. I've given you a "you make my day" award on my blog - visit it to collect and see the rules.
nice one!! congrats!
su congratulations! you deserve it!
wow su yin that's great i have been away in india ....miss u
Oh sweetarts. Now I'm homesick. Yep, Valentine's Day, Halloween, you name it...very commercialised holidays. But you know what they all have in common; they're fun! I say enjoy and don't worry about it;)
jenny: I'm so glad it worked out for you. Spicy is good :P
rebecca: thanks heaps for the comment :P I get influenced lots by delicious pictures too!
yoolee: thanks dear :P
julie: I give them away~ Spread the 'love' around. neighbours are going to get pudgy soon :P
kat:thanks for the award! really appreciate it.
mia: XOXO
manila: thanks!
pinky: Miss u too my dear
suzer: Haha i'm not a fan of sweetarts... milk duds are yum though!
waaa bangga bangga...
nice n congrats 2 u...
missing u so mush fwen...
oh my! hi!!! Havnt heard frm you in ages! School seems like such a long time ago huh? Haha.. I'll be back in Malaysia soon, hope to meet up with everyone then :)
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