September 21, 2007

Pink, White and Gold

Su has been inspired by these 3 beautiful colours all week!
Not exactly in terms of clothing or accessories; but more so with cakes and icing~

I had a couple of cakes to do this week..and decided it would be a good idea to stick with a single theme to make the brainstorming a little less stressful. Both cakes were needed almost 2 days apart from each other..and the orders for them did not come in till last week. I'm still pretty glad I got both cakes looking different; with a distinctive style each.
My housemate; Pinky thought this one was excellent~ She went on about how pretty it was, she said it looked like a Christmas ornament. *laughs* I guess the resemblance is pretty obvious.

The second cake was a mini topsy-turvy attempt... had a few petite flowers scattered around; made 3 tiers of different shades of pink.
The inside was done as a white chocolate mudcake done with pink swirls, and the bottom layer was sandwiched with pink buttercream.Unfortunately the cake didn't hit off well with the customer; they felt it was too sweet. I'm happy I got feedback; I usually have several recipes I swap around and I ask in advance what types of cakes they are used to (sponge, mud, alcoholic, dense, layered?). I didn't this time. I forgot. My bad... *sigh* This was a pretty big blow for me this evening; I felt pretty bad; like I've ripped someone's my first negative feedback since I began selling cakes. I guess it was bound to happen... *laughs* well...*shrug* I'll learn not to be careless and rush things.


Mandy said...

cheer up gal! Actually I think the second cake looks stunning. It's one of my fav. Maybe you have too many cakes and schoolwork on hand so you forgot to ask about their preference of cake. Nevermind, just remember that next time, and look forward to see your next creation!

Jennifer Bullock OwYoung said...

Well don't feel too bad about it - they still had an awesome cake, too sweet is better than dry and tasteless. Maybe for future cakes, develop a checklist for your clients. Have a list of the style of cake (dense, cakey, spongey etc), flavors, fillings, icing. That way they will kind of get an idea of what they're going to get. Just and idea! I love your designs, they're very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

they look so "sweet". actually these two cakes can be wedding cakes! hehe......

maybe the cakes already look so sweet so ur customers felt they r too sweet lor.

cheeklist will be prefect to ensure what ur customers need.

keep it up, baby.....

malaysia boleh!

*i always visit ur blog but this is the first time i post a comment

Anonymous said...

Agree, don't worry about this too much. If they were not used to fondant they may have found it too sweet regardless of the cake and filling flavours. I think it is very creative and a bit out of the box for you. You should be proud!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, dont feel bad. No one can tell how sweet is sweet to other people. Looking forward to more yummy niceness on your blog. In the meantime i am inspired enough to go do more baking this weekend. ; ) After looking around your blog for last week i wanna do LOTS of different things, but how??? theres only 2 days! I really dont know how you do it.... but i'm glad you do. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ohh wow. You cakes are wonderful! You are very talented!

samshiki said...

feedbacks are good, be it positive or negative. Better than none! Only honest comments can improve your culinary skills.
Keep up all the fantastic work! Jia You!

Graeme said...

Pfft, too sweet.

I noticed you have the Dead Frec Knife holder too! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

this is soooo prettyyy!!! i am seriously in love with your blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice cake =) I think you have to change your blog title to The Journal of a Girl who Loves to Bake hehe.

Monique said...

Hey, remember you can never please everyone in this world! And this is just added experience for the future. But I think both cakes look very pretty. You have so many orders, it makes me wonder how you get the time to work on them all! Keep it up!

The Duchess said...

"Cake" and "too sweet" just don't belong in the same sentence. All your creations are gorgeous!

(first time commenter, long time reader...I found you through All Cupcakes, All the Time)

Anonymous said...

We all learn fr our mistakes & like u sd, u love getting fdbacks fr clients.Take it constructively & carry on baking.I'm sooooooo..........proud of u STILL.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love all your creations! You are sooo good! Dont be too upset. Maybe your customer didnt have a sweet tooth.
Keep up the good job!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with monique. you can't always please everyone.

If this is your first 'negative' feedback, then you're doing extremely well!

Jayne said...

They both look fantastic!
Don't worry about anything being "too sweet"...cakes are meant to be all sugar 'n' spice,emphasis on the sugar lol.
Checklist is a good idea - maybe make it a list of boxes for clients to tick for preferences,quick and easy for you :)

Cabbage in coleslaw is always a winner,I've decided lol!

Anonymous said...

aww , i think the cake looks great!super inspired to be like you making pretty and yummy cakes for everyone, this is just one small setback yea , looking forward to other yummy post (:

Su-Yin -Décorateur said...

thanks SOOOO much everybody..for the kind words of encouragement :)...

It really lifts me up when I doubt my cakes *laughs*... it means alot to me.. :)
thanks also for the suggestions everyone...
i've been taking foodscience as a subject at uni..and have been learning differences between human really is a personal sorta thing.