Independence day has brought all 3 races (The Indian; Chinese + Malay) together as Malaysians.

While studying abroad here in Australia, I introduce myself to strangers saying;
"Hi I'm Su Yin. I'm Malaysian"
and they often reply; "but you look Chinese"...and I say; "Of course!...I am!" *laughs*
I'm so proud to speak about my country...how its so unique; why it allows us to speak multiple languages...and how we build a strong understanding of cultures we live amongst.
*sigh*.... enough rambling...I made cupcakes...*grin*
It's Malaysia's 50th Independence! I couldn't resist!

Malay girl with our National Flag

It was on 31st August 1957 when history was made as the Union Jack was lowered and the Malaysian flag hoisted, with the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj leading the people in the famous shouts of Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! (Independence!)
For more than 30 years, Merdeka Day celebrations have been marked by parades involving uniformed personnel, corporate players, school children, cultural dancers, athletes and Malaysians from all walks of life. However, in recent years, the event has grown into a much anticipated and exciting month-long celebration nationwide.
Us Malaysians in Sydney are missing out on the National Day celebrations! MALAM GEMA MERDEKA
Su and her beautiful Indian housemates (Amrit and Pinky) have been busy! We will be participating in an Indian Bollywood Dance featured in the play. Come cheer us on!! *laughs* It's real hard work practicing for the dance; but I know it'll be worth the effort and time.
Here are more details!
Malaysian Revue: Malam Gema MerdekaFifty Blessings: Celebrating 50 Years of Nationhoodin conjunction with Malaysia's 50th year of independencein aid of MERCY MalaysiaMalam Gema Merdeka (MGM) is an annual event that serves to reflect on the journey of Malaysia as an independent nation and all the trials and tribulations that comes with its fight for independence. The year 2007 brings the celebration to another level where it marks our 50 years of nationhood, hence the Golden Jubilee celebration.The night will kickstart with an all-you-can-eat buffet style dinner featuring mouth-watering Malaysian cuisine. Then guests are ushered into the theatre for a full 2-hour musical sketch entitled "Fifty Blessings" with its storyline cleverly correlating to the night's theme of love to the country.If you're still not thoroughly convinced, think revue with some Malaysian flavour to it for something new.
Details of the event are as follows:Nature of event: Contemporary cum Malaysian traditional musical sketch with buffet-style dinnerDate: 1st of September 2007 (Saturday Week 6)
Venue: Matthews Pavillion (Buffet-style dinner*)Science Theater (Musical skecth)
Time: 5.30pm - Buffet-style dinner*7.00pm - Guests are ushered into the the Science Theatre7.30pm - Musical sketch begins10.00pm - Show ends
Tickets: *Gold - AUD 25*Silver - AUD20Red - AUD10* Gold and Silver ticket holders are paying for the musical sketch + buffet dinner.Red ticket holders are paying for the musical sketch alone which commences at 7.30pmTickets are sold at ticket booths at the Quad from Monday-Thursday (Week 6) and also at the door on the night itself (still at the same prices). Ticket representatives also include all MSO committee members, so you can purchase directly from these representatives if you know them in person.For more details, visit http://www.malamgemamerdeka.com/or contact Din (MSO) at 04 33816566
CANt WAIT!!! *gets excited*
Nice cupcakes :) to celebrate the National Day of Malaysia.
semangat betul...im also proud to be malaysian..until i think of the corruption, pollution and traffic jam...
i like the chinese girl...so lala! make peace sign! ^^v
Ohhhhh soooo cutee, I love this style of cupcakes. If I have those cupcakes, I will never eat them haha.
Very pretty cupcakes. Just like yourself, I'm proud to be a Malaysian too. We have such a terrific cultural blend which most Malaysians take for granted. I wish more Malaysians will think and feel like us and stop complaining and try to get along...
gurl, those are absolutely gorgeous!!! even though they're out of the theme a bit but may I add your post to the Merdeka Open House 2007???
come to think of it, your decor is very Muhibbah indeed. fit the theme to the core!
Those are adorable!!!
MERDEKA! That's what they always say. Haha. I laughed immediately at first glance at your cupcakes after a long and tiring day! There are so cute and nice! I like the Chinese girl as well! Is it reminiscient of yourself? XD It really feels at home looking at those cupcakes, see, this is the use of the virtual internet! ^^
Could I just wonder, or perhaps, advise you, that when you ignore comments and praise showered upon you and do not even have the decency to reply, it portrays a very stuck up attitude.
Trust me, you are the only one I know who can make me feel homesick. You and your kuasa ajaib, lol.
hi there, i grabbed your link and one pic and posted this entry in the Merdeka Open House 2007. i hope you don't mind but if you do, please let me know so i'll remove it. thanks so much.
you're really talented! i think you're the housemate most people will wish for...haha...
HI Su-Yin,
I was thinking of saving your pics to show my hubby through email because he always don't have time to surf net when he's home.
Then, I realised that your pictures do not have any url on them or who took them or made them....I don't dare to take it then because I don't know where it'll flow to.
I'm an artist and often put copyright info on a pic, even photos.
Maybe you should consider putting a watermark on your photos because they are your creations and shouldn't be used easily by others to pass off as theirs. :)
hi! i've just added ur blog to my list. ur're absolutely talented. i work with rolled fondant--is tt what u use?--but it's a major feat for me ust to do one cake. putting all d aunties to shame...
the cooking ninja: thanks! i did put some thought into it.
lingwei: lingling! so happy to hear from u wei! hows malaysia? and stop complaining about traffic, its cool ok ;)
linda: haha, there still not eaten yet, there on my table top, u want some?
junkgirl: yep! thats a good thought, im glad there r people out there who think like me.
babe kl: sure thing babe would love to be on Merdeka Open House post, thanks 4 the link!
nanette: thank you!
the archicook: u r so sweet, blog readers like u keep me blogging, im glad i bring smiles to some, its a good way to procrastinate at work hehe aswell! thanks again, u take care and keep reading! i'll make something even cuter nxt wk;)
evan: hi evan, its nice to have a name with a negative comment, most of them just come with an anonymous*giggle*, im sorry if i stepped on ur toes in anyway but i do try my very best to answer comments and emails when i can, blogging can be really difficult when u have full-time uni, hours in the kitchen and cake orders to worry about, however i do c where ur coming from, and i do appologise to the many people i haven't gotten back to on email i will reply them eventually... i do them when i can,. i never disregard them. maybe u feel that way about me because i haven't replied urs...?(dont worry i'll get to it soon) i get emails everyday - more like every hour of the day, please do understand im not trying to be stuck up but my blog went from 30 readers a day a year ago to 1600 per day recently so its not as easy to keep up with the magnitude of email and such, but i do appreciate them, its wat keeps me blogging.
yan:omg yan i love u! some people dont like me :'(
y: aawww thank you haha, my housemates r worried about getting fate, so u might be worried about getting fat too. ;)
ur baking skills are beyond compare. no doubt those are the prettiest cupcake designs ive seen. but in terms of malaysia being united, i have to disagree and i think ppl need to open their eyes and read beneath the surface and not be naive to things which are going on around them..but anyway nice job!
happy 5oth merdeka!!! definitely proud to be Malaysian!! :)
I celebrate Merdeka at The Curve Damansara!! the fireworks were brilliant!!!
and the cupcakes are soo cute ;)
They are simply too cute and adorable. You are truly creative and talented. They are too cute to eat. Good job! :)
whoa..those cupcakes are realy cute!!! i can't gulp it down if u give it to me..i'll frame it instead
hey just wondering where do you get the cake "base" and the paper box to put them in?
omg, they are sooo adorable!!!
simply adorable =)
Love your cupcake deco! So cute!!!!
Btw, what do you use to do that 'fondant' (is that what it's called?)
I plan to make cup cakes for my daugther's birthday in November.
I can bake a bit, but haven't tried icing or fondant before.. hope you can help with telling me the recipe of basic fondant or icing.
Can you send me a mail please? zarasmama@gmail.com
those cupcakes are uber kawaiiiiii!!
you're really good at this cookery and bakery stuff. my mouth simply waters as i scroll down the blog.
go you! =D
and happy belated merdeka ^_^
anonymous's : hehe thanks so much! I guess we all have our own perception of our country's unity..I'm an optimist :P hehe. I'm glad you had a fun time at merdeka! :)
rasa malaysia: wow..its a real treat hearing from you! I love you blog! Your photogrpahy! Excellent work and truly inspiring.
kampungboycitygirl: haha they'd have moss growing on them ;) I dont think they'll be a good idea hehe.
Kaelyn: I buy them from speciality cake stores...you can look up my faq on fondant to get some addresses
hungry hamster: thanks dear :) missed ya ;) :P
ashie! : heyaa!! havnt heard from you in ahwile..
zara'z mama: I hope my email was helpful :)
zaty: kawaii? hehe...how japanese of u :P
Gosh...looks so yummy. I love those cupcakes. You are so talented. You go girl!!!
hey they are really cute.
Can share how you done them ?
Are they fondant / Marzipan ??
yeap...they are fondant
they're so cute!!!
Hi there. Wow, this is really really something unique! :)
Im publishing my book on Malaysia (showcasing positive things about the country)... and would like to feature you and your 'creations'.
Is that alright? :)
Hi quachee; I would really much appreciate it if you could email me personally with the details of your book and what you intend to include in it in reference to my work. Thanks :)
hi... erm i dont understand what is union jack can you tell me what is that? in malay ya...hehe if u can answer me thank you i like your essay
oh, jatuh cinta dengan kek cawan yg sgt comel itu! ngeee
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