It doesn't usually work this way....but im stressed up just thinking about my weekend ahead! *laughs* I have an exam on Thursday to prepare for; which I am currently trying hard to work on while the cakes get done in the oven.I have a cake order on Friday, a catering job for Saturday morning at a 21st "picnic-party", a classmate's birthday cake for a party at night and an engagement cake in the afternoon for a dear friend of mine who's wedding I'll be missing in January. I'm not sure how I'll be able to squeeze everything into the 28th of November but it's going to happen whether I like it or not!

I was sweating bricks this afternoon while I finished all my baking and preparation for this weekend, ready to freeze, sculpt and ice. Here's a picture taken of me in my "sacred-space" of inspirations where my creative juices fly on sugar paste modeling and the sort.

For those who have been waiting for a basic moist and delicious chocolate cake recipe from it is;
2 cups water
3 cups sugar
250 gms butter
1/3 cup cocoa powder
2 tsp bicarb of soda
3 cups self raising flour sifted
4 eggs slightly beaten (XL)
Melt butter, water, sugar and cocoa powder in a large microwavable bowl for 2 minutes on high on 30 second zaps; stir occasionally. Beat till smooth and well combined. Add in sifted bicarb of soda, flour and eggs in 3 portions. Beat with a mixer on high till smooth, pale and well incorporated. Bake in preheated 180degree oven till skewer comes out clean. This recipe should make a tall 9inch cake or a flat 10 inch round.
Sigh* im not looking forward to cleaning up this mess.
suyin u look like a pro haha......
do u mind if i link ur blog to mine?
And by the way i noticed u have a friend with the same name as me...and another with the same name as my sister- priyanka. weird lol
I've just started reading your blog and its been great. Your dishes are simple everyday food that everyone can make and relate to. Keep up the good work.
My goodness, that's pretty full on. Good luck with everything and don't wear yourself out.
omg. I have no more time to cook. I have no moret ime to sleep! Lol. You seems to be having so much fun, I'm jealous. -.-
Me will be in sydney 26nov-2dec. Free n around to see ur old friend?
Hey babe, the cake and all its lil cousins look fab! So moist looking! Id be looking forward to try out your recipe when my dad's Birthday comes this November, hehehe.
However, I have a question regarding to the method. You mentioned add in sifted bicarb, flour and eggs in 3 portions. Does that mean adding bicarb, stir till combined then follow by the rest .. or mix these 3 together first then pour in 3 stages?
Also is 250g butter means 1 cup? Cus I dun have weighing scale at home. Thanx babe!
ARgh! everyone's picking on my typo errors! Hahaha...sorry guys...its Bicard of sodsa...not baking powder
amrita: sure thing :) thanks heaps..I feel honoured to be on your list
thanh: THanks for the kind words of encouragement! I'm glad you enjoy my work. *hugs*
aupekkle: ive just changed it ;) hehe sorry bout that
littlegreenapple: I dont think ill have much of a choice...butnot to worry, im pretty tough...energizer battery they call me ;) hehe
vini: Hey dear! i am certainly having fun...hmm...26th nov...just finished exams..great timingdarling..come over! Ill b leaving for malaysia on the first week of ill definitely ahve time for u *hugs*
michie: Heya! I missed u ;) hehe...I dont think the mixing really matter; when its all in, the electric mixer does the rest anyway. I usually add the eggs in before the flour just to slacken the mixture a little. SOrry bout the vague descriptions in my recipes; i dont use books much and I know the terminology I use with my typed up recipes are pretty bad *blush*
Oh thanx! Me will definitely let you know how it turns out when I get by to it, although Im going to use a convection microwave oven to bake my cake.. Hope it works! I also tried yr PR=B sandwich for Breakfast that day! It was smacking gooooooood!!! hehe Thanx lovee~
Hi suyin, just came across your blog and must say you have a very interesting blog there. Is it ok if I link your blog to mine?
those cakes look fabulous!just wondering though,how would u transfer a cake from the a plate to the other without it crumbling?sorry:(,my cooking potential is no-where near yours!
I use a large spatula and I usually freeze my cakes in the freezr bound in some cling wrap before handling/sculpting/layering them :)
it helps when its frozen.
Have just been reading through your recipes - they are fantastic. Can't wait to try out your spiral roti (have had many mishaps with dense pastry) and cake recipes!
Rosalie from Melbourne
your recipes n pic of dose cakes lks reali gd..wld try it out..but can i ask u..hw much does is 1 cup?Hw many grams?=)
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