September 14, 2006

Tim-Tam Truffles anyone?

It's been a busy and truffle-ly week for me
I haven't accepted cake orders this week as I'd probably pass out at the thought of feeling obligated to create a masterpiece! *laughs* I've been extremely busy with assignments + exam preparation at uni and coordinating other matters such as basic household cleaning/cooking has been extremely difficult.
After a satisfying Chinese dinner the other night; we were all given a fortune cookie each. I broke mine open and raised an eyebrow as I read what it had to say; ...I don't remember its exact words...but it was a proverb along the lines of "Time is too precious to be used on chasing materialistic/monetary satisfaction"... coincidence? I think not! Haha.
I'm not too superstitious, especially with "badly-written-cookie-fortunes"...but I guess it made sense. I took it's advice and have been going slow on the "making money" and working lots on my degree at Uni this week. I know it'll be worth my time in the end. I've been making tim-tam truffle bouquet orders for the cafe down the street. They love what I've done and seem to think it's a great "gift" idea. After lots of practice with a heap load of truffles, I'm beginning to snap them up in minutes! It's a good way for me to relax and savor the smell of quality couverture after a long days work of research and typing.
I covered them in Lindt...dark and white. Swiggles of chocolate design...popped in some strawberries, marshmallows, chocolate sticks, sparkles, sugar flowers, nuts, sprinkles, cocoa powder, curly ribbons... etc. etc. shaped them up with some ribbon+foam, worked my magic and bundled them together! I'm glad I took that flower arrangement class a few months back.
Here's a few pictures of the many many truffles I've made throughout the week for chocoholics/tim-tam addicts to have an oogle!*wipe that drool off your face! hehe


Mallini said...

I love the one with the baby blue rose on it!! too cute!

Anonymous said...

SuYin, Im gonna attempt making these for our family Xmas party. Any tips?? - pingmouse

Edith said...

i certaintly did wipe my drool off my face. awesome.

Anonymous said...

Drool....drool....lick lick....hee : )

Anonymous said...

hie, may i know which shop ur truffles are being sold at?

Anonymous said...

hi!! can you please please please give me a fool-proof recipe for an uber moist chocolate cake? my cake comes up dry and crumby... :-(

jellyfungus said...

OKAY!! this would be one of my hantaran kahwin!!!

dangkin said...

oh so yummylicious!!!

Lex said...

why am I not living near you... I would buy those from you anytime at all!! GEEZ, they all are just too pretty to eat!!!1

Su-Yin -Décorateur said...

thanks guys :)..
erm...I dont sell the truffles at a store..
I take orders and make them when I can.LOL with the amount of stuff happening these days...I doubt I could make enough to sell in a shop!

Dean: hmmm...unfortunately...I havnt got one posted up...but I'll definately try to fit that into my schedule. :)
neemo: lol...when is your perkahwinan?

Brilynn said...

you are amazing... i haven't had a tim tam since i was in australia a year and a half ago, i miss them...

Anonymous said...

Lovely bouquets they are! how long can it stay unrefrigerated without melting?