He likes cake and he thought; "Hey why not say hello to the baker. She deserves a congratulatory pat on the back for a good job done."
A brave and frank email was sent...I've had e-friends, pen-friends and a variety of unconventional friendships in the past; but not many have been as significant as Gus. We didn't have much in common, but there was a sense of compatibility and our funny gestures kept us intrigued to write more. We shared stories about our lives and it felt like a nice way for me to end my days. I really enjoyed writing to a friend I had half way around the world. There were low times when my emails were filled with whine and anger; and Gus never was a wet blanket about it. We shared our triumphant moments in life with each other and i sincerely did feel proud and happy for the many happy achievements he's had in the past couple of years. Wow.. i can't believe it's been so long since we've began writing....to this day i still write him. He writes back too.
...and soon after; a new friend was made.
Everyone should have someone they can confide in from a different part of the world. Just one... or maybe two... it makes the world seem much bigger than what meets the eye. It's a nice feeling to know you've got a friend you'll probably never meet; but u yet care about. It isn't the type of creepy 'friend' you easily find online; stalking your life with a million questions, sending you photographs of themselves or often having close to disgusting ulterior motives behind wanting to share a relation with you.
You don't think nice and sincere one's exist? Well.. I've found a great friend in Gus and he now means more to me than he probably will ever imagine! haha Maybe after all that unluckyness i've come across in the past, Gus was kinda a break i received to regain faith in 'internet friends'
Why the sudden urge to speak about Augustus you ask?
Well recently my Delectable elves and I have been attempting to come up with a cool name for our new addition to the family of flavours; Teddy, Lulu and Jo. It was to be a beady eyed green frog full of enthusiasm and charisma. The name had to be fresh, funky and not just any classic frog name like: Fred or Froggo. *grin* that made it a LOt more difficult.

I load up the peanut butter thick! I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER!!!! hahaha; don't say you've not been warned *wink*
I wonder what Gus would say about me naming a 'FROG' cupcake after him.. I promised him it would look adorable at least. LOL
*here's CUMI & CIKI's thoughts about Gus
I have an internet friend too. She wrote me one day after seeing my post in a forum. And we have been emailing each other for 10 years. I tell her stuff that I would never tell anyone else in my life. I never thought I could find friendship like that too! Cheers to friendship!
The cupcakes look so good!! You're just awesome :)
That is such a nice story. I think he will be very pleased with the cakes being named after him! They are super cute and sound amazing... peanut butter and rasberry. YES please!!!!
How can ANYONE eat your creations!!! Too nice!
That's so delectable...love the mini fork and spoon, so cute. I can't imagine if you make it one by one. There must be a mini cutter for these
I have a blog too like 5 years ago, met a lot of online friends but I never meet up with any one of them. Glad that you found one, and I really like the cupcakes!
erm...that cupcake got sell or not?
Hi all! haha i havnt spoken to gus in ages; he and i are both very very busy.
thanks for writing comments and leaving sweet notes :)
yes the cupcakes are for sale at the store and very very yummy! we've been receiving good response for them!
come check them out!
lilia: yeap; weve got a cutter to help us out :)
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