I knew one day; I was going to get up thinking... yeap; today I have no choice. Pull the brakes. I'm exhausted and ill. Can barely stand up without going weak in the knees; how do you suppose I knead fondant? *laughs*

I'm not certain if this is a blessing in disguise; but shop opens in about a week. It's crunch time NOW! I really needed a break; but being sick really isn't a form of rest! :(
I'm backed up ridiculously on work and responding to orders. Sincerely apologize. I NEED to make more me's! Need to find help. The last Su standing is down as well today. So it's going to have to be a slow weekend.
when i saw the caption, i thought your write-up has sth to do with H1N1 that has been dominating all headlines these days. thank goodness. do take care...
get well soon. I adore your passion towards your job
Awww, good luck! You can do it :) and I hope you feel better. Take it slow and take care of yourself <3
do take good care of yourself and see the doc if you must. rest more ya.
so sorry to hear you're sick, su... hope you'll get well soon!
just walked past the shop today... can't wait to see it open soon! :) you do wonderful work!
Good luck! You will be fine. Success is on your way! Next week will be a breeze. Put your feet up....and have a big bowl of ice cream......
pls take care...
if u're in s'pore, i sure will love to help u...has been very inspired by u since the day i came across ur website.
get well soon my dear! *hugs*
get well soon su and congratulations to you that you are finally setting up delectable =) purposely walked passed the outlet just to see it =p
How u doing???
Whens ur opening ceremony?? are u gonna invite me????????
so sorry to hear that you're sick. take care and do drink lots of water.
can't wait for your store to open :D
hang in there! the best is yet to come ;)
Heya there Su Yin,
This is probably unrelated to your post but I just awarded you the Creative Malaysian Blogger award, that was created by team Etsy Malaysia to promote, and hopefully, build a network of creative Malaysian bloggers around the world.
Here's the award for you. :)
Wendy Sue
Lucky it's pingun order, not a piggy :)
I was wondering why they named the virus swine, turned out it mean piggy as well. Some Australian in the train overheard it as Swan virus, it's because the pronounciation of something rarely heard on daily basis, ha ha..
Feel better soon, dear lady! Take the time you need for yourself, re-group and then back to bringing beautiful, sweet joy to the world! You can do it! (((HUGS)))
What camera do you use, it takes amazing pictures.
Your work's amazing too!
Hi guys! I HAD to get better with all those hugs and well wishes from everyone! haha I sometimes get ill for long periods; it really is the worst when im stressed out.
I love you all so much! It means lots to know there are kind people out there cheering me on. XOXO
Anonymous: check out the about su page ;)
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