Don't get me wrong; I love magazines, i love couture, Love LOVE LOVE keeping updated with the hippest trends and styles. --> by shopping of course *grin*
I walked past one just today.I looked for a second; caught a glimpse of amazingly beautiful Caucasian ladies and men clad in seamless designer clothing. Sure; it looked kinda nice having them parade around the middle of a mall, but I didn't last 30 seconds before I went *shrug* and headed off to continue my errands.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not a hater. Models are beautiful with a purpose; it's a profession I respect... it's just the catwalk bit that I need to be educated a little more about. I don't deny; it's something I've never been enlightened with. Haha I just don't get it!
I'm often inspired by clothing and their designs, motifs and trendy shades of make up; it's lots of fun bringing that into what I do with cake on a daily basis. If there is anything I absolutely adore; I attempt to make it from sugar! Force of habit >.< *laughs*

I'm not sure if any of you realized; but the little poised doll of hers was modeled after the clothing from the movie 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'.

i have heard great reviews about the movie. I have to catch it some day too.
Once again, you've outdone your best. Your attention to details is inspiring. Is the base for the Birkin, cake or foam?
A question out of curiosity, do you always get your craft right the first time you mold it? if not, what's the percentage of wastage?
love your personality, and love your blog...but perhaps a little restraint in expousing your thoughts/critique at times will be good? Don't mean total censorship though, just some sensitivity...because life is a long road, one never know what'll come back to haunt. we discover ourselves everyday. you might be get your enlightenment very soon, and you might "hate" yourself for concluding too soon whether you like or dislike something.
Definitely a movie to watch with girlfriends! Don't expect much though :) Really really cute work here!
hi su,
this is goldie,
love your cakes....
one request-can you please have the photos large in the link as before.
thank you,take care.
Hi Su~! My name is Joli and I've been a long time lurker and I've decided to finally leave a comment! =)
I just wanted to say that I adore all your creations and you're my inspiration! =)
Just had to let everyone know about my Shelbulous cake:
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