Em and I will be travelling all the way from our cake-filled base camp in Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, Penang and Ipoh this season specially to spread some Xmas love! In the form of cake of course! *giggle*

I'm not quite certain how many orders we will be able to accommodate at this point; but will definitely update everyone when we finally get the ball rolling. Closing date for bookings will be 5th December 2008. So place your orders cake lovers out there! It's Christmas! the time to share gifts and meaningful wishes with friends and family. For a party, a family gathering or ordered as a gift for family back home. There's tons of reasons to have a penguin this Christmas! *giggle*

I'm so excited!! We've never done anything like this before.
After receiving numerous calls and requests from other locations spanning too far for us to reach; I thought it'd be a good idea to have a road trip just for fun! Haha I still have a couple months to be spontaneous before Delectable fully kicks off. We're way too adventurous to be tied down decorating and delivering cakes from one ol' place. *grin*
What say we do this every festive season??
awwwwwww..so tempting!!!...what a shame I'm in UK otherwise I will definitely make a few orders. :(((
oh! thats an incredible idea Su! since international deliveries would be effect on in 2009, i would definitely recommend your site to a couple of my friends celebrating x'mas in malaysia. good luck and keep us posted with yummy photos and journey log!
These are sooo adorable!
I wish your road trip brought you to the U.S. - I would make orders and recommend you to all my friends!
Excellent idea Su. Along with the rest of your followers I appauld you. Wish you a successful road trip.
i say please do!! =D
Su, they r just so cute....
now, i'm getting all excited to see yr masterpiece on 14/11 for my boys...so how's d prep??
what a wonderful idea, and soooo cute . I love penguins too... yes please do this every festive season...Now Im beginning to feel the Christmas spirit :)
sooooo cuutttteeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^! Penguins are the awesomest!
what a lovely trio. hey, how big are the cakes, in terms of weight and size? may i link your blog? u based in KL or Sing?
all of them looks adorable.....................
Oh I wished I lived in Malaysia!
All the best of luck!
These make lovely gifts :) Hmm...I think I'll place some orders.
Come back to Australia, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeassssse!!!
I'll mirror what all the others have said. Absolutely gorgeous and adorable creations. Wish I was closer to Malaysia!
haha wish i could be in both Aust and Malaysia at the same time!!! Ahhhh LOL
waiting for more orders guys.. COMe on! getcha penguins! :P
wow! su - love the delectables logo! so sweet & cool! as usual love the adorable penguins as well. wishing you a very happy festive season with lots of cake orders & more photoshoots!
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