Su... back in Malaysia;
fairly confident in her set of hands.
A 100 Cupcakes for adorable little Sean turning 6? 4 days notice, no ingredients, no oven, no nonsense, no game time to lose.
OH wOW! A challenge on day 2 of my return!
I was seduced.
*tsk tsk* How I induce stress into my life really is amusing.
Unfortunately for me; my physical self was running around enthusiastically in Malaysia; but my mind was ticking in a Floridian timezone. *sigh* I really should learn to avoid over-estimating my ability to strive through lack of sleep.
There was so much to do; with no time to organize, it was one of those 'take it as it comes' deals. I generally am not a fan of spontaneous 'doings'; but beggars cant be choosers. I've realized from many attempts at business; its never always going to be what you like. I've just learnt to grit my teeth and suck it up!
On the topic of gritting my teeth, want to know why it was such a 'shocking' task this weekend?
Long story short; there are a couple of circuit issues going on with Mom's 5 quart kitchen aid mixer; and poor Su here had to find out the hard way. Every slightest graze I had with it's cold metallic edges would send a sharp zapping bolt of electricity into my arm creating a jolt at my joints. You can imagine the mess I made all over the counter top when I handled liquid batters and the sort. Unfortunately for me I had left my brand new 6 quart aid stowed away some place unreachable. I had to make do with what I had; and that meant taking zaps of electricity as I lifted the bowl or poured ingredients into the mixer. My insides were still tingly from shivers 2 hours past my baking! I would love to have thrown out the evil crummy mixer if my entire batch of cupcakes on Sunday didn't depend on it!
Ahh..lets stop with the tantrums.... whiners are slackers... and Su's no slacker. *grin*
2 days of frantic baking and icing cupcakes later; mom's counter top in the kitchen looked like a
tornado's playground. I had not written anything down in terms of design; and my extremely darling customer; Pui San was very kind to give me full creative freedom. There's really nothing more comforting than having control over your own imagination. She was so understanding and pleasant; can't think of a better 'first Malaysian customer' I'd rather bake for. I arrived with the cake and the cupcakes at the party in the afternoon.
Afternoon = hot Malaysian weather = warm = bad frosting
I can't begin to tell you the many things I've learnt about baking in Malaysia in these 3 short days. The many cupcake batters and failed frostings I've thrown out..... sigh..
It had to be done! mistakes are flowers along my long windy unpredictable path to success. Persevere Su!
The kids gathered around me with delight; Oo'ed and ahh'ed as I uncovered my cupcakes a tray at a time.
All in all; everything held up pretty well.. Pui San wrote back a text the day after with extremely nice things to say about the cupcakes at the party. I was thrilled! A big big sigh of relief for sure. I was so happy to hear that the cupcakes were a hit and that everyone thought they were too pretty to eat! but she said when they did; everyone Oo-ed and Ahh-ed.
Can't really beat a response like that!
*Su does a victory dance*
Bravo Su,
You're truly amazing, all the best to you always.
Lynn xo
Fantasti work Su. You're getting to put into practise all that training you did in America.
Hope your endeavours with baking continue to get better and better. If I'm ever in Malaysia in the future, hopefully I can buy a Su Cupcake from Su's Bakery.
hei su!
been an avid reader or ur blog.
welcome home. can i order cakes?
wow.. those are really nice cupcakes!
well if its any consolation, im sure a chemist, particularly a food chemist could find a way to synthesize a heat and moisture resistant fondant. do you know any chemist? any korean chemist? i hear they are both handsome and smart! ;)
I've been following your blog for some time but never really commented.
Congrats on your first project back home :D Here's to many more baking and yummy treats!
Oh you poor thing! I hope the after effects of the shocks have worn off.
Wow! Those cupcakes look awesome, well done! You did a fantastic job battling against the weather. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to cope with that type of humidity. Anyway take care. I am eagerly awaiting the next stage in your culinary adventures!
Hi Su, im so inspired by you...pursuing your interest and finally made it back home and even delighted the kids with the nice cupcakes...always hope i have the courage like you to drop everything and go take a culinary course...
You are so inspiring..all the best to you back home in wats your upcoming plans.
It's amazing how you could do all those lovely cupcakes in such short notice and rush. i'm amazed that you were able to have them done pretty even you didn't have adequate professional utensils and equipment in hands. i'm always got so excited reading your updates, though i have not commented on any. you are really good. *claps!
sin ee
Su dear. WHERE ARE YOU? I'm in Subang of course. Will be here till end of August. WANT YOUR CAKE. PLEASEEEEEEEE.
What an incredible talent you have! Anyone would be so lucky to be gifted with the gorgeous creations you've made!
Hi Su,
I was introduced to your blog by my 18 year old daughter just 2 days ago. OMG, you are truly amazing!!
I will take time to go through each & every one of your postings. I have a lot of catching up to do.
Congratulations... you're a superstar!
hahaha... it was just the malaysian weather and the jetlag...but Su the most important thing..Su is back in Malaysia!yeay!
Great Job Su!I was at the party, & can vouch EVERYONE was sooo impressed!Beautifully done, fantastic works of art.Felt terrible to eat the frogs & bunnies!Pui San gave us takeaways, bless her!Can we order now?? :) Please?Please?Pwetty pls?I'm going to send your blog to my daughters, they'll love it!Keep it up,you're wonderfully talented & will go far
What an amazing cake and cupcakes! You're fabulous!
WOW, lovely cupcakes you have there!!
YAY!!! Hi guys! thanks so SOO much for leaving comments. Im so incredibly relieved that it worked out alright..haha
It really brightens up my dark days when I hear from every single one of you. I wish I could give everyone a great big hug! hehe.
It's a dark day for me today... been having these too often recently. Haha. I have you guys to make them all better.
**Do send me an email if you would like to place an order; we're starting slow and steady at the moment :)
wow. simply amazing cake creations. lovely.
Wow! Great job in such short notice!! Hope you are enjoying being back home. Orlando misses you!!
Hi Su,
Keep up the good work. Very creative ~
Just wanted to find out from you, do you know where I can buy those cupcake cases from in Sydney?
Thanks!~ All the best with your new adventure!
i think you're amazing. haha i love the cupcakes.
when you open a bakery next time please let me know. :)
amazing cupcakes and baking skills! can i order your work of art from kuching, sarawak here??
I have to say you're work is fantastic, I am a Patisserie Chef and have been cake decorating for 30 years. You're the best i have seen in a long time.
Thank you for taking time to share you're passion with us.
sharon in Australia
congratulations on your project! I look forward to hearing more about your achievements! a fellow baker in London. Angeline
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