July 10, 2007

Hotmail is frustrating me

I lose emails every other day....I transfer relevant mails from my junkmail to my inbox; empty my junk mail out....only to discover the emails I wanted had not transferred~! *grrrr* It's really driving me nuts. I'm sorry guys ...I know I've let many emails slip this way recently; If you haven't heard back from me; I suggest you send me another. I'm disabling my junkmail box from this point onwards. *sigh* I'll just have to be emptying my mailbox more often I guess; at least i'll be able to retrieve carelessly deleted mails from my trash bin.

Well...I'm in Singapore guys...currently thinking of going out to Vivo city; or BUgis for shopping; can't decide where. I'm staying at sis's...but sis is busy studying for an exam; I don't think I should be at home bothering her, should go out instead huh?
I uploaded photographs from last weekends baking escapades on my laptop to blog about them throughout the week. This was what kept me busy most of the week.

Making 300 TimTam truffles + 10 for ruined ones and + 20 for eaten ones; 330 truffles in total! *phew*...took me at least 2 full days...so grateful for my voluntary slave; Jo *laughs*. I couldn't have done it on my own, considering how I had a massive engagement cake due the same day as well.
It was for Sarah and Felix; Congratulations to the both of you.
They looked so cute together when they came over to collect the cake + truffles. I packed the the truffles into tiny Chinese take-out boxes, some gold paper and tied matching dainty gold and silver bows to 'pretty-fy' their bland metal holders *grin*
It was for a 100 guests...I hope everyone was happy with how they tasted + looked. I covered them with lindt milk chocolate, chocolate swirls, nuts and 100+1000's.
The top layer of the cake was a chocolate mud drenched in whiskey and the bottom layer was done with an almond cherry layer. I had a sketch prepared for Sarah's approval a couple weeks ago..she was happy with the idea of bunnies and I went forward with the concept.

So here's the finished product; the couple was delighted with how it turned out; and I do hope it made a good centerpiece at their engagement reception on Saturday night. It was the 7/7/07!

picture from Sass's xanga site:
They look so happy together! I couldnt resist publishing a photo from her personal blog here *giggle*


Anonymous said...

I love the truffles! Tried my hand in it sometime back but after chilling them in the fridge, i found them too hard to be rolled into the truffle balls. If you don't mind, I would like to try your recipe. You can email me at gangster_chan@yahoo.com.sg if you prefer not to put the recipe up in your blog.
Cheers Cindy

Anonymous said...

hi Su-Yin,
I'm suggesting you start using Gmail.
It's real neat i tell ya.
I rarely get spam inside my inbox. The mailbox size is big, 2.1Gb (and counting). Okay that's not big, that's HUGE.
Your mail will be more organized because if there are replies (or reply all) the will turn up in the same subject.
I've already sent Gmail invite to your hotmail.
Feel free to try it.

Good job on the truffles, I can't imagine myself doing hundreds of them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Su Yin,

did you temper the chocolate used for coating? How long and at what temp did you left them at to harden? I find SG weather very humid. My chocolate take ages to harden.

Karen said...

Your creations are amazing! I LOVE those bunnies. The truffles look scrumptious!

Patricia Scarpin said...

This is so beautiful - you are really talented!
The mini Chinese take out boxes are adorable!

Forever Friend said...

Hi there, you really did a good job with the truffles and the packaging. So professional!! The cake looks so cute and nice too.

Monique said...

You're amazingly talented! Wish I had such a pretty cake for my engagement! =)

Ali-K said...

Truffles! Oooo, they look so good. Well done. I agree with the gmail idea.

Anonymous said...

You are really talented! I love your packaging idea.

As for your sis, everyone is expecting her to ace the exam!
your sis' colleague.

Anonymous said...

eheh, usually i don´t comment but the two bunnies look irresistibly cute together!!! can´t refrain form commenting :P you´ve done a wonderful job on both the cake and the truffles!

-siee hoong-

Anonymous said...

Hey Su, greetings from Singapore!!! =D

Vivocity will be a better idea if you prefer shopping in air con place. All the "famous" brands (Zaras, Forever 21 etc) are congregated in one place so makes shopping easier. If you're hungry, visit Food Republic at the third floor, you'll be amazed (or at least I am) with old style decorations.

I wouldn't suggest Bugis street because the prices of the clothes there are similar to the ones sold in malls now. The worst thing is the smokey and warm environment. But if you're on a tighter budget, you can go there and try to bargain your way through!

Hope you enjoy your stay in Singapore!

Anonymous said...

wow! they are good and the cake is beautiful. You really don't want to open your own shop???

d. said...

you are sooo gifted!!!:)

HuiHui said...

that's so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

dude the truffles look awesome!

Sass O said...

Hey SuYin,

Just want to thank you SO MUCH for the cake and truffles.

We eventually had 77 people (huge coincidence for 07.07.07!) yet the cake and truffles werent enough!!!

They gobbled everything up so quickly quite a few told me they didn't have any cake while those who had couldnt stop praising it.

Btw the cake stand is at Edwards place. I only had 2 days after the party before flying here to Sydney.

Thank you sooooo much again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Su Yin
I'm amazed by everything you did! Where did you master your skill from, especially the cake decoration?

Su-Yin -Décorateur said...

cindy: heya, i added a link to the truffle recipe in the post :)

ladiefa: Hmm..I havn't had time to set it up; but might soon ..thanks for the suggestion and the invite

jacelyn: I don't usually use a termometer with chocolate tempering;*laughs* I'm not very accurate i assure you! LOL; singapore weather can be tricky; tried asking a singaporean pro? :P

karen: thanks :)

patricia: thankie~ Haha...the guests loved them too

foreverfriend: thanks he the kind comments; I'm glad they all worked out

monique: you live in sydney? I can make you one just as pretty! :p LOL

ali-k: eveyrone seems to tink its a good idea too...i just wihs i werent too busy to set it up :P
lazy is prebably more like it! haha

sis colleague: Hope you liked the donuts! :) hehe...it wasnt easy to get

siee hoong: Hey!! havnt heard from you in ages!!

bernice: Thanks for the suggestion! I had fun @ vivo :P

the cookign ninja: I'm planning to :)

d: thanks d :)

hui hui: aw..thanks :)

chocolate suze: Wow! havnt heard from you in awhile; how are things?/

sass: YAy! I'm glad all went well...7 must be your lucky number huh?? haha..thats so cool.

wendy: heya...erm..from books and reading articles. I guess its more just a lot of practice..and trying out new things.

Unknown said...

Try GMAIL , a google product far superior to hotmail.