I don't think i've sculpted anything more difficult. A piano is basically...a box... a big rectangular sharp edged box! I have to eventually come to terms with my personality and inability to create fine sharp, straight lines and edges. It drives me nuts...lines, sharp corners and rules alike! *laughs* 

I had an exam on monday and one of wednesday...my cake order this week was in between all those stressful moments~ I really hope they'll be happy with what I've done. I'm just extremely picky and an absolutely painful perfectionist! *sigh* I always need things to turn out exactly the way I picture them too! :(

All in all, I personally think everything but the piano looks alright. I'll be having my fingers crossed when she comes to collect it tonight! >.< *laughs* Sigh*...If i had more time...i would have pulled out the piano and covered it with a new layer of icing. It took me 3 days to dry the keyboard (Even tHEN! it still was slightly sagging in the center!) I hate gravity!!!!!! *stress* The girls thought it was beautiful...and that I would be crazy to pull it apart.

I'll be having my exams real close to when I return...lots to cramming to do then....*sigh*... I shouldn't have second thoughts now...should just work real hard when I'm back huh? No baking for Su in awhile!... *tear*
wow. seriously, you should give up studying a become a fulltime pastry chef!
did you individually sculpt all the music notes and stave?
U really have come a long way in ur blogging just a year plus...hmm..... i need almost a day to look through everything.... hehe... keep it up...heaaikkkk~~
everyone was "wow-ing" when they saw the cake tonight!!!!
especially ancella, she goes,
"eh, what's that???!!!! so pretty!!!! she has a face, bla bla bla........" (nice comments continue)
15 minutes following that comment, the camera didn't stop snapping pictures... even after we pose with the cake, my cousin still kept on going, taking pictures of the cake.
everyone says it's B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!!
practising very high self-control at the moment, waiting until sunday, so we can try it too during the party! :)
thank you, from all of us \(^_^)/
hehe i'm the person you made the cake for :D
thanks for doing such a good job! i was so amazed when i saw it, can't stop going "waaaahhh!"
hehe it's so nice!
Wow : 3
I realyl love your red white and black schemes.
You must be quite artistic in order to be able to sculpt so well!!!
I've always been curious however, what does fondant taste like?
lol! Ive never tried it, but i really dooo want to : < so if you could just give me a gist of what the taste it like...maybe i can imagine it T _ T
Everytime i surf to read your blog, it make me hungry. Not hungry i guess, but starving!!! LOL
You are AMAZING!Gawd!
How do you get such detail on the faces?Do you use edible marker pens?
this is out of this world su-yin. as usual, well done. don't study too hard and hope your exams go well.
Hi Su Yin,
Thanks for telling me what I need for the fondant..Is it difficult to make the fondant?I got a recipe out of the internet that said to use veg shortening, marshmellow and powder sugar and I tried it but it did NOT work for me. :(..Can you tell me the direction to make it as well I really appreciate it. Good luck in your exams too..thanks..
wow! that is one beautiful cake. I wish I could order one from you for my baby's 1st birthday.
You are very talented.
sunday came...
and we cut & ate the cake...
All da best for your upcoming exams!!
Your works are amazing!!
YOU are soooooo talented!!! WOW!!
it's gorgeous!and the details you put into the cake is amazing.
if you're in spore, i would be first in line to place an order with yoU!
Hi Su Yin. Amanda told me about your blog. Fantastic! We do this for a living in KL and we've rarely seen better. Even from Sweet Art. ;-) Gosh! I hope no one from Sweet Art is reading this. ;-) In any case, keep up the good work and look us up when you're back in KL.
Thanks so much everyone!! for the kind comments and good luck wishes.
Im so glad you loved the cake ancella :)
You have a beautiful name btw
jens:fondant just tastes like really sweet paste~! Lol..not good just eaten on its own :P
amrita: yea i do :)...for tiny details i must
mel: Hmm...i usually buy mine; just out of lazy-ness :P haha..but ehre's a website to help you wit your recipe www.cakecentral.com
I am loving your blog! You have great talent. I started creating cutesy cakes a few years ago, but mine aren't quite as intricate as some of yours. I've also started creating artsy cookies. I find they more fun to create, since I am into instant gratification...the cookies don't take half as long as the cakes!
Keep up your wonderful work! Pam
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