December 31, 2010

35 minutes before it turns 2011

Here's the thing 35 minutes isn't quite enough for a 'moment of reflection', 2010 has been kind... it has filled me with several momentous events, it has tortured me with it's mere 365 days and well.. turned me a quarter century old!

Hmm... i wouldn't say i had started the year with 'resolutions' in mind; but I definitely had gained a lot more than what I had expected in a years worth of happenings. One of the more significant lessons of self discovery that I've gathered would be that time doesn't heal wounds; the only thing that helped me heal was the decisions I made and how I stuck to them through every doubt. I understood what acceptance was and I also discovered how closed doors only leads to discoveries of many new opened ones. You just got to know where to look! and well.. I've learnt to be a pro at spotting them.

I want to wish everyone a quick Happy New Year! ... stop thinking about what you've had up in 2010; or what you did or did not do.. Look forward; it's a clean slate... now lets make this one a masterpiece!

December 26, 2010

Talking in Code

There is nothing more public than a blog. Like this one. Heh.. will let you guys in on a small secret about my writing.Since.. maybe the last year or so; I push in occasional slots about my private life; but in 'code'. Closer friends of mine would read particular blog posts and giggle.. smirk or.. go *pfft* hahaha Cause they know what's going on in my head! :)
At the end of the day; this is my journal... it does follow me through my baking life; job and plans with Delectable; but i also very much want it to be a personal space where I can note down significant happenings in my personal life.
Several years ago; I would have probably just went "OH YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!! ..BLAHHH blah blahHh" well; in many instances; that has sorta eventually backfired and came back to haunt me. It bothers the people I speak about.. and it bothers my parents that everything I do is publicly shared. It's a love hate relationship. I love it when people come up to me to tell me how significantly they remember a cake from the stories I told about it from the way I felt when I made it.... and I hate it when they occasionally make assumptions about my personality from what they read online. I mean... seriously.. is everyone with Internet access out there a part time psychologist ? *grin* I've got very VERY sweet readers actually.. most of them are full of praises and encouragement. I would say ALL of them are... other than the occasional "I THINK i HATE you" email i get once a year from random 'anonymous' individuals. *shrug* those are forgettable *wink*
10 years down the line; i want to read something I wrote and think to myself.. ahhh I was describing this.. this and this.. Hmmmm maybe one day I will decode all my writing for the world to see! hahaha but not yet.. not yet.. I'm not in a point in my life where I'm comfortable doing that. *giggle*Well... sometimes talking in code is tiresome. So ... I'm just going to say as it is.
I've fallen in love with a man.
I can't say who cause he'd be coming after me with a cleaver! but i can't tell you how good in feels to be able to fall in love again. We've got some good times and many many bad ones.. but I've got a feeling it's one of those which gets better in time. I thought it'd never happen this way. But I'm so happy it did. He makes me laugh and he makes me cry. He's got a hold of my heart and I'm not too certain what I would want to make of this. .. ...
I might have even picked the wrong person to fall for altogether! haha; I'm a pro at that type of thing... *sigh* unfortunate.

December 25, 2010

Acting on Ideas

I remember so many instances where i would get excited from a sprout of inspiration, I then develop them into ideas, talk to someone about it.. and then I get busy with a completely different matter. Well, the idea isn't exactly forgotten then... it's in the to-do list! Problem is; this list of mine is growing by the minute! i gather that it is a closet I'm never going to end up cleaning up. *sigh* Some of them have gone to never-never-land.
There are great things up in there; and I suppose my first step is to determine the better ones and organize myself to see them thru. Am I just too lazy? I don't like to think that; but it seems to be the blatant fact. I can point my fingers at multiple possibilities of my lack of motivation; workload on the job; gym and social time; exhaustion; inaccessible resources... gargh.. here.. see i'm making up excuses right now.
I should stop thinking of the many reasons why I'm not doing what I should and focus on actually coming up with action plans. We all should!
It's christmas eve tonight and I just managed to squeeze in a couple hours to blog. I'm eating my dinner in the car on the go.. drink in hand and a quiet merry christmas to myself. I've got a wedding cake waiting on me when I get back to the kitchen. It's going to be a long Christmas morning for me. I wonder if Santa's gonna come by to bid hello! I should leave out some Delectable cinnamon cookies to lure him in. *giggle*
When i was little; sis used to kill my Santa fantasies by showing me how wrapping paper in mom's office will turn out to be identical to the wrapped presents which magically appeared beneath the tree on Christmas morning! Haha Sis was just too smart.. I was just happy there were packages to rip open with barbie dolls inside! haha Yea... i loved barbies when I was younger; mom and dad helped me make up a big big collection of dolls and paraphernalia I have no heart to part with.
MMm I miss Christmas as a child. I now find myself worrying about action plans; world domination with cake ideas. ... pfft*... where's the fun in that!! I want a BARBIE DOLL NOW! *grin*

December 4, 2010

I do Disney.. Do you?

Other than the fun experiences I've had at Disney World (Orlando, Florida) in several stages of my life; I can't say I've got personal favourites when it comes to all things Disney.

You see... I've always been a Pixar fan.. most of the younger TV days were always tuned into Cartoon Network.. and I remember how I never really understood what Donald duck went on about. Haha OKayy.. so Disney made a couple cool childhood memories too.. Like PEter PAN!! little mermaid was pretty awesome; beauty and the beast was good....Aladdin.. mmm... but stuff like sleeping beauty? Hannah Montana?... seriously?.. no. *snicker*
Well it's safe to say, at this point of my life.. I am not exactly standing in line to see the first screening of Toy Story 3.. or going nuts over a Disney princess Tshirt and well.. reason being; I just am not into fairy tales as I used to be. Of course cartoons and fantasy is heaps of fun.. and everyone would be lying to say there isn't a child in all of us who would smile from cuddling a fluffy plush Winnie the Pooh doll.

Making these cakes are pretty nostalgic for me.. Not so much the new age stuff like Dibo the dinosaur and Animal Mechanical from Playhouse Disney; but more of the Mickey themed characters.

I always remember Mickey's voice to be so distinct; I used to think ... wow, that's what a Mouse would sound like if it spoke. Hahahahah silly 5 year old su.
A fair number of mom's come in here knowing exactly what their children want for their cake. Mickey and Friends! they like to say... I then continue with the question; How old is your girl/boy?.. 1. hahaha the cake is more for the Mommy than the baby wouldn't you think?
Can't deny how Disney has got themselves implanted permanently into many hearts and inner-childs in so many of us. Mmm i'm looking forward to more Disney cake requests to come! I'm just going to be better and better and makin em!

Tis the SeaSON TO be JOLLy~

Guess what guys! Christmas draws close; which means our family of Delectable PENGUINs are back! YAY! It's been a tradition for us at Delectable to be making sugar penguins frolicking in snow each 'winter'. I say 'Winter' because with having Malaysia spot bang on the equator.. there isn't actually a winter. Haha
...But that's no reason not to imagine ourselves in a frosty white snow capped mountain with penguins, snowflakes and beautiful Christmas trees! Well of course these mountains in question are made of our famous Delectable English fruitcakes! *giggle* YUmmz!
I love making miniatures and gift parcels for Xmas. I often take a moment to just stare at each of the little cakes once i'm done. They are just so cute!!! I personally couldn't imagine biting into one of my own sugar penguins. *cringe* .. they.. they are my friends... *blush* hahaha

Click on the LINK to find out more about our specials this Christmas; such as prices and pre order details and descriptions. These are available off the shelves as well.
We've got more than a couple locations where Delectable Xmas goodies are available for purchase this year.

  • s213 The Gardens Mall; Midvalley City, Lvl 2 (right next to Robinsons)
  • P.06.03 Pavilion Mall, Kuala Lumpur, Lvl 6 (In between Times bookstore and TGI Fridays)
  • Dec 3rd - 15th @ Isetan KLCC. 2nd floor, Children's Department, Event Hall. we've got a chocolate fountain running on weekends too!

So.. to all gift hunters..... you know where to find us! *grin*
*Yellow Tin Bake ware set (pink whisk, gingerbread and Xmas tree cake mould)
with matching Delectable apron and mitten