December 25, 2009

My Grown up Christmas List

I've never made a Christmas list. I'm one of those flexible gift receivers! haha. I love the surprise! Gifts should be filled with thought; wrapped with love and a presented with a magical moment of surprise! I like hiding my presents and doing the classic ‘TADAH!’ to the unsuspecting.

Now that I have a shop filled to the brim with baked goodies and decorated cakes; it’s hard to amuse people with such gifts from me anymore; it’s easy to assume how I have the convenient luxury of picking a couple items off the shelves.

I’m not the best at memorizing carol lyrics, I don’t remember much from the one Christmas morning I spent at church a long time ago and all I gather is everyone around the world of any culture celebrate this Christian holiday! Being brought up Buddhist; dad bought sis and I a fun character booklet bible for kids so we could learn more about other religions. I remember reading the many inspiring stories and having fun with the adorable sheep cartoons.

So how have I been warming up to the season? well...

  • We’ve been full force at production closing into Christmas week.

  • Last weekend I sang Christmas carols and had a yule log with a truly warm and fun crowd of food lovers from a myriad of different cultures and religions. Just an afternoon of wholesome good fun!
  • On the eve of Christmas; I was presented thoughtful presents and holiday hugs at an impromptu lunch celebration at one of our regular Malaysian haunts.
  • I exchanged gifts with those I had the opportunity to…and am still making a good effort shopping for loved ones I had not found the perfect gift for yet. I rarely have the time to shop; but now I've got a good reason to!

I’m not going to attempt to explain or describe Christmas as something I am well versed with; but what I do know is; it is the time of year when everyone is filled with well wishes, hugs, love, forgiveness and a silly holiday smile plastered on!

I suppose, commercialization of the whole religious holiday was a good thing after all! *teehee.

Christmas isn’t over yet though… I continue to hunt for xmas pressies; and snowmen cupcakes are still being asked for in our store. I guess this is a brief brief breather we’re getting before the New Years wave hits us in less than a week!


Just in case you’d like to get Su a pressie too;… here’s my grown up Christmas list *wink


So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself, but for a world in need

No more lives torn apart

That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list

What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in that blind belief can we ever find the truth


December 22, 2009

Raindrops on Roses.

A person dear to me once said; Life is a never ending pursuit for happiness. Do you believe it? I do. Being human comes with a natural sense of greed for more than you have or deserve.

Many a time; when I was stubborn; he would then say; You can’t always have what you want, you have to do what’s right. I hate how he’s often right too. It’s the larger dreams and happiness, which we pursue, forgetting the sparks of happiness that fill our lives everyday.

I had a conversation with someone who fully understands and accepts balance and equality in each person’s life; and I was taken aback. It isn’t about the many material things we have; it isn’t fame or fortune, it isn’t power or love either… happiness is in acceptance. It shouldn't be about the prada or the chanel? or the make up or dress size.. but unfortunately for us in this society; it is about all that.

In freeing yourself from this natural greed we have to have more, to be better or to exceed others; only then can we truly appreciate the things that make us happy. He listened to my rants and taught me humility through his perspective of happiness.

I’m the type to constantly jump ahead of myself to be the best that I can be; I believe in continuous improvement; of growth and achievement. I wondered; how someone like me was going to find balance and acceptance! Haha. I’m a pretty ordinary person; I don’t stand out in crowds but what I am, is competitive… not for the crave of praise but purely for the thrill of challenge. It’s when it’s for other motives or purposes is when I find myself falling short of driving myself forward.

I’m just a kid; I may not listen well, and I may not be obedient in any way; but I crave the need to free myself to be everything that I naturally am. It’s wise friends who understand and kind beings who stop me in my tracks just as I’m about to do something ridiculously stupid. Then again; what’s stupid to them; may not be to me…and that’s what makes life so interesting. It’s a these choices that I make which have made me everything that I am today; but not for a second have a regretted any of them. They could be bizarre or disrespectful or even wrong in general; but remember that balance? I’ve made good choices too no? No one likes to be judged and no one likes to be labeled a ‘goody-two-shoes’ or a ‘bad-boy’. Either way; I’d take it as an insult. We are all equal and we are all special from our differences.

I’ve had people tell me my cakes are ugly. What do I say to that? I’m not going to say what I do is every person’s cup of tea; neither to I try to disprove their judgement. I wouldn’t doubt how hurtful it is; but I then have to learn to accept that every person is different and that I will not win the heart of every person on this planet.

I woke up this morning finding more happiness than I could handle. I almost had to calm myself from laughing excessively. Despite the worries which hover my life and the unhappiness I could foresee before me; I was going to enjoy myself with these little things right here.. right now.

The world would be much kinder if people can just stop pushing their believes on others. If everyone can stop manipulating ‘society’ for their benefit, power or confidence. It’s not going to make you any happier; you're not going to find what you need; you’ve got to start from within.

December 11, 2009

There's a ringing in my head.

It's the joyous tunes of christmas cheer. .... thrilling? Haha
I have a love-hate relationship with these tunes. *gARGhhH!

From parking lots, basements, food chains, retail outlets to even toilets play familiar holiday tunes! *sigh* Unlucky-ly for Su; she can't help but to bob her head and sing along to each line she finds melodiously addictive! *gasp* I've been a walking musical greeting card all month now! Embarrassing... it's beyond control! hehehe
I hadn't found it difficult coming up with our christmas inspired goodies in the store considering the excessive holiday vibe from everywhere! hehe.
I'll post a link up; do click to get more details like prices and content.

Our onshelf items have also be spruced up! so.. yay! come see come see!