Making a slice of pie or chocolate sundae presentable with 3-leaf-sprigs of mint plugged onto a mountain of whipped cream isn't exactly rocket science....and in my opinion should be discouraged when serving a well made dessert composition. I feel deeply passionate about presentation of food; but the Notter School has also taught me how not to make it a primary focus. Food is meant not to be 'eaten', but to be 'tasted'. Taste should always be what a dessert is built around. Meaning the garnishes and components placed artistically around the item should accentuate and compliment it's taste. It really is beyond just placing contrasting colours and awkwardly shaped components all over the place to create a crazy concoction! The thought process that goes behind creating every individual plate should be acknowledged. I will never be able to look at a plate of dessert the same again!
I really think my passion for food has made me a snob. My unfortunate friends who dine out with me have to bare with my opinionated and critical self. It's a constant flow of analysis at the dinner table...they have my permission to roll their eyes and throw sarcasm at my remarks. *laughs* I'm incredibly outspoken and can sometimes come off as whinge-y.. I can't decide if it's better to not voice opinions at all at times. Fellow you feel it comes from the habit of writing? I was never confident with speech as a kid; and am still insecure about many things about myself every day... could it be possible that blogging has built my ability to voice my opinions? .... ....
Enough self reflection for the morning...let's track back to our topic on plated desserts.
Past trends to build architectural structures with components have been abandoned in favour of compositions that, while attractive, are easy and accessible. The colours on a plate play a big role in our perception of flavour and it really is important that the colour of garnishes and sauces reflect what they taste.
Successful plated desserts balance flavours and textures.
It is safe to say, most plated desserts contain the following components;
- primary dessert (star item)
- sauce
- decoration
- Crunch
I've done this in my Plated Desserts final composition.
Our class was fortunate to have the talented and knowledgeable Chef Susan Kolman;assistant Corporate Pastry Chef of Albert Uster Imports as our instructor for the second week of our subject. I really enjoyed my time spent with her as our Chef; she gave us very helpful insights on the industry and helped us with extremely thoughtful critic. She has inspired me to improve in many ways as a student and as an individual.
This was lots of fun to make, I ran over to Izziban sushi in the morning to borrow a bento box for my presentation. I'm happy Chef Susan loved how fun it was too!
I wanted to create a dessert tasting platter to share between 2.
The nigiri's were done with chocolate mousse on the top and biscuit at the bottom, topped with pistachios and strawberry slices.
For something cold; I had a raspberry sorbet quenelle sitting on a bed of toasty salted macadamias, all nestled comfortably in a delicious pecan crisp.
I love your idea of doing dessert bento, that was beautiful.
I've been admiring your food for AGES now through one of my friend's website links and only now have i felt the need to comment.
It's 10.54pm in Newcastle, and i am so hungry and there's nothing to eat, i clicked on your website as a means of procrastination and there they were, the most gorgeous set of desserts in a Bento box! Why lah!???? ... I am soo hungry now. :( Wish the laptop screen produces scents, tastes n addition to colour lol!
Keep up the good work, and i can't wait for you to open a shop, be a star chef somewhere so i can come taste your food.
P.S - I've got a sudden hankering for Nasi Lemak. Mmmm..
Su, I loved the description about how to plate a dessert. I'm going to try and apply these principles. I've started baking in the past year but I've always had troubling presenting the cake so that it looks great. Insteads, its usually just slopped onto a plate and a dab of cream besides it.
I love cracking the sugar on a creme brulee, just like Amelie Poulain said in the movie Amelie, it's one of the pleasures in life :-).
I think you should voice your opinions about food. I do that too and my friends call me a food snob or whinge-y. But I just tell them that I'm passionate about food and that I expect it to be done well, and if I don't like it, I'll say it.
As for the part about being more confident from the blog, I think that has some merit. It's easier to write things in text that say it personally, but I'm sure that confidence has rubbed off in real life too.
The desserts looks so amazing...and Japanese savoury bento lunch boxes...wowwww...incredible !
last nite i just went through ur cooking post...cuz wanna cook something easy for myself much fun reading ur blog..
This is really nice! I've been hearing chocolate sushi here and there lately so its neat to see this.
Non so se riesci a capire l' devo irtiche sei bravissima!!!!
Carla di lettoemangiato
I just fell in love with your blog. I'll be coming back for sure. ;)
That was beautiful, I give you an A...tell your teachers I said so.
i love your blog! its great that you get to go to culinary school and stuff.
i really miss your recipes tho! they were my fav.
your the best!
-bitni joi
Oh Sue,
It looks so good. So tempting.
su yin....i love ur bento's amazingggggggggggggggg!!!!
linda: its always nice to hear from ya; thanks for that :)
meatbag: heyhey! thanks for leaving such an awesome comment.... filled with heartwarming reminders of Malaysian-ess to boot! haha do drop by more often to say hi next time Shean :)
thanh: hiya~ I love how responsive you always are to my posts.. haha it really makes a difference to know people arent just scrolling to the photos and actually stopping to read what I've written! haha It's so good to have you around to keep me on my toes!
beansprout: So what did you make? :P
j: hmm.. i bet there are many out there who have done a better job than I have.. chocolate bento's really aren't my speciality~ hehe. thanks though :)
carla: hi carla.. i wish I understood Italian.. *LOL*
anapires: hi ana~ would love to hear from you soon.
heather: hehe.. I don't know if shes going to do that. I hope so though!
bitni: Hmm.. i'm going to try to work on putting on more recipes in weeks to come kay :) I promise!
The juicy bunny: Hi bunny! I'm kinda tired of sweets recently.. wish i was making pizza or baked potatoes in class at times..haha I have savoury food cravings with chocolate covered fingers ALL the time! it's weird..
pinky: ode to my baby pinky~ hehe
Hi su yin! i've been reading your blog for a while now and its been so inspiring for me to read all your recipes and experiments. :) i think this bento dessert platter is just amazing. i'd love to have that on a menu
been using a few of your recipes (which have all turned out superbly) for my own baking pleasure here at uni for my friends. for me, baking is a major way of de-stressing and well, the eating part is great too! ;)
i have a girlfriend from UNSW who said she knows you too.
its 2am here in the UK and i'm starving and itching to bake. :)
Hey Su! How are you doing? We haven't heard from you in a while and we all miss you at Izziban.
I hope you are doing alright over there and having lots of fun. Update us on how you're doing sometime. Alright, take care now!
Dan, YuJeong, Diane, Jae & the Izziban Crew...
Ironically, I came across this blog entry with the same kind of idea for the same kind of class at a different academy. I have to thank you for sharing this with the internets. Seeing this take on the same base idea really helped me get my head around the idea from a different angle. I hope to find the time to read through the rest of what you've got here, because you make beautiful food art, lady.
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