40 fiddly fingers; *edit*:P
5 short hours...
Lots of chocolate;
a couple of broken hearts..
several lines of harsh words
and much love..
......to create this magnificent masterpiece!
Lucky for me; I'm one of the 'difficult'-loud ones!...*evil grin*
On lookers may have thought that 2 of us vivacious and enthusiastic decorators were so close to tearing each other up... but honestly; I didn't think our bickering was about to cause any long term heartache at all. We love each other too much to hate.. argue never turns to hate for me; argue for me often means I care.
I observe them consolidate our issues slowly but surely.. my..my; you girls are too sweet to say anything nasty to us boisterous ones. With kind words; lots of nodding and mere shrugs..we were all quickly best of friends again.
It's funny ain't it? How we need all sorts of personalities to keep us all sane at some point. I love how we 4 make an awesome team. Awesome-ness of course does not imply perfection; but I wouldn't have it any other way. These 3 beautiful ladies mean so much to me.. they help make my life here in Orlando so much more than just pastry.
We are all talented in our own significant ways... and I felt this cake we stacked together with guidance from Chef James represented all of us in terms of colour; flavour and design.

Just look at what the other tables came up with!
Su yin sayang, I want THAT for my wedding.. thank you!! MWAH!
80 fingers? Whose were the extra hands? hehe
Beautiful cakes indeed, chocolate never fails to impress me.
i've been following your blog since last august and you are just amazing, su yin. i remember the first post i found of you was that korean drinking table birthday cake you made for a friend of yours, since then i haven't been able to stop reading your blog. i'm not usually one to comment, but i saw your notter school's chef james win on food network challenge this morning and was very excited to have recognized him. that sweet 16 birthday cake he made was absolutely gorgeous. you're surrounded by talent, and you're already so talented yourself. im envious! :]
can u make my wedding cake then? **not that im getting married soon. hahahaha**
wow wonderful
I love your cake
beautiful beautiful
I'm starting my cake decorating class soon and thinking that in about 4 months - maybe I'll get the bottom layer of any of this. Really beautiful work.
Hi Su Yin
I have been following your blog since you arrived in Florida and so envious of you. Your chocolate cake looks fantastic, did you use fondant icing? and butter cream inside? Sorry lah us non proffesionals always ask these pesky questions! Well done again!
Hi Su Yin,
Wow... hard work but the end result is fantabulous..haha not oni looks nice but sure taste yummilious too. :)
su yin, i have no how i only JUST found your blog but i love it!!!
your writings are great, your pictures are lovely and your FOOD is to die for! haha
keep it up girl! =D youve got a new reader right here ;)
what a lovely wedding cake all guys make!.yesterday I saw Food Network a $10K prize competition engagement cake.It's really cool and creative the cakes you guys deco:)
your post reminds me ... I saw James on Food Network in an engagement cake challenge (I don't know how recent the recording was, though). His cake(s) was stunning and he won. Oh yes, and he is quite a cutie.
Great cakes, although, the color is too dark for my taste. It looked yummy, though. Getting hungry.
congratulation for your effort, the cake were lovely, the golden colour just match the nicely.
neem: haha..hi sayang.. get married; :P I'll think about it~ :P
anonymous: why thank you heaps for alerting me of my incredibly silly mathematical error :D hahaha.. no one else took a minute to think about it :P
hali: hi there; thanks for that.. Chef James certainly is getting more famous after his appearances on FOod Network huh? I think its real cool.
ashie: haha; i can make better ;)
carmen: heyhey' glad you like it :P appreciate the kisses too~
giz: thanks! I'm sure you will; it really isn't as hard as it looks.
family of cooks: aww thanks.. we used chocolate fondant on it. buttercream layers inside and buttercream crumb coat over the top.
elinluv: thanks! its always nice to hear someone say fantabulous~ hehe will use that a little more as I blog.
eunice: heyhey~ lovely to hear from ya! Drop me a message again sometime soon~ I'm a little slow with responses..but weeekends are usually my "go" days for replying emails and comments.
beachlover: everyone just LOVES James huh? haha
anonymous: oh yes he is.. lol I'm sure there are times where a dark cake is needed. We just figured a chocolate fondant on a chocolate cake interior would be more appropriate.
breadpitt: thanks for that; i wanted gold to bring the chocolate out a little more. Something sparkly on the dark tones are always nice.
I love your cake
I love decorating cake
I'm italian girl, I would like know what is the true recipe for fondant, for covering cake
exuse my english please please
in my blog I have a cake with marshmallow fondant but your fondant is very very beautiful,
what is?
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