I'm fully dressed at my doorstep by 5... waiting patiently for Maggie to arrive. She's offered to give me a lift to the airport. *sigh* sweethearts like her don't come around too often in my life. On our way out the door; I hear a subtle whisper from above. *"HAve fun in New York SU!"* I look up. It's Katie waving from her balcony on the second floor. All cheery and beautiful as usual. It must be all that Starbucks coffee she gets at work every morning. I hope it was the caffeine and not my stomping around that woke her up.
I get to the airport; wave Maggie goodbye; walked up to check in at the counter; pull out my passport...and...wait.....*&$#@*)$!!! my wallet is missing!!!!!
My flight was due in exactly an hour. I'm checked in. My baggage is on the way to the plane... but I can't leave. Not without my purse.
I called Maggie in a frantic hurry. She came back for me. Let's just say the next 45 minutes of that morning was a fuzzy blur of terror; paranoia and stress. I was clearly upset and throwing fits around the airport. The lost and found department was closed till 9am..and I was at a loss. If not for Maggie; I wouldn't have gotten on the plane at all. She was everything I needed and more that morning. I can't imagine having gone through the morning without her comforting words and guiding advice. I had my fingers ready to cancel my list of credit cards.
Going past airport security almost with tears in my eyes... a stern fellow looks down at me and says..." Oh ..I think I've seen you somewhere; are you okay? How is your day?". I went ahead and told him about the horrible way my morning had begun. He says " OH, it's you! We have your purse.. it's at the security counter at the next terminal" I rejoiced with a squeal. The crowd turned too look. I'm not the type to have too much faith in mankind; but someone nice proved me wrong that morning. It was almost too good to be true. Sis used to remind me; if it's too good to be true; It probably isn't. I looked through my wallet... everything was in tact; money, cards, identification. Nothing was fiddled with..and it was handed in, 2 minutes after I had step foot into the airport. Running all the way to my terminal, hearing the stewardess page my name for final boarding through the departure halls, all I could think of at that moment was.....'wow'.... I made it. I'm here.
I guess lady luck decided to join me as our plane landed in La Guardia. I looked out the window. White speckles of glittery flakes floated down gently from the sky. Fluffy mounds began to appear on the runway. It was snowing!! I was so excited. It was the most beautiful snow I've ever seen. The wheels of the plane touched the runway. The plane swerved a little, jerked, swerved a little...made a funny noise... thoughts of escape routes filled my mind. Women in the plane began to voice their panic. It came to a halt. We were safe. Claps filled the aircraft. We were the last plane allowed to land as the snow storm began to brew. Other flights were delayed for hours and many departing passengers were sent home due to cancellations from bad weather conditions.
Strolling down Park avenue; a yellow New York-an cabby flies by straight into a puddle in front of me. I twist side ways; a tall splash of grey and cold liquid covers half my back before I could run. I smile.... Welcome to New York. *shrug*
I bet you'd like to know how I spent my weekend.
Pastries on Spring st. Soho.

Eileens Cheesecakes @ Soho - delicious stuff! Try the cookies and cream ;)

I made an effort to have the internationally renown bakery added into my list of-to-eat's.

It was great that you got your purse back. My husband left his wallet at security checkpoint in Sydney. He didn't even realise his wallet was missing until someone paged his name to go to security counter to get his wallet.
How did you manage to go so many places and ate so many food in a few days in NY? You made me want to eat all those sweet food.
I'm so jealous of all that snow! I was in New York about a month ago and we were hoping for snow, but no luck. it looks beautiful!
Hi Su. I'm so incredibly jealous of your trip to New York and in winter some more. Seems like you had a great time there! Keep up the good blogging. Your pictures of food and stories of travel makes my day. Thanks. =) Cheers.
awww you are sOoooo lucky to experience the New YOrk Winter!!
E cupcakes didn't taste good huh? I understand tht feeling totally. When I hear ppl raving abt a particular food...I would be all geared up to try and most of E time, it disappoints me! I would be thinking "Hmm, mine taste better!" Its so unfairrrrr tht im still baking from home and they have big big shops!! haha! Anyways, all E food u ate look amazing! Bet u had fun! :) Btw, when I read E part where u lost ur purse. I was worried at tht moment. I stopped reading word to word and "scan" thru ur post for the word "Found" Phew! When I knew you found ur wallet. I started reading ur post all over again from start! Lol!
Your pictures really make me want to visit New York!
omg! your pictures..they made me drool!!!! (makes my pbj sandwich look bland) i'm glad you had a wonderful time.
Great pics of NYC! Magnolia is all hype, unfortunately.. Next time, be sure to try Sugar Sweet Sunshine and Crumbs Bakery cupcakes.. I've had the banana-ice-cream-choc-chip-cookie sandwiches at Jacques Torress in DUMBO.. absolutely wonderful in the summer when you try to lick the ice cream before it melts! Love your blog, keeps me inspired that one day, a 41 year old soccer mom can reinvent herself as a pastry chef!
Phew thank god you got your purse back...
and you ate so much haha! In one week? Don't worry; if I'd go to New York I'd probably try out all the delicious food either ;)
yes, i agree with you su...magnolia bakery cupcakes are just way too sweeeeeet...you won't believe the long lines that store gets at summertime...all hype...
wow amazing. how did you find your way around NYC? anyway check your credit card invoices cause someone could have copied the no.s
Thanks for sharing your tour of New York.
I've never been there, but hope someday soon I will be able to take a bite of the Big Apple myself.
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