For those who have known me for awhile will probably never imagine those words coming from me. *laughs* I'm not exactly the type to watch TV or get excited over watching movies on the tube. Unfortunately for me though; classes at the Notter School only run from Mondays to Thursdays every week. What does a girl do on Friday? Saturday? and Sunday?
Other than homework, cleaning my tool kit, washing out my uniform, doing the laundry and studying for quizzes or practical exams... and blogging of course; there really isn't much me to do alone!
Food network does give my quiet little apartment abit of noise and makes it a little cozier. I still go about my business doing other things like reading cookbooks and magazines...or cleaning and the sort; I just leave the TV on to keep me company!
It reminds me of the time when I'd be in the kitchen cooking; eavesdropping on TV shows the girls used to watch in Sydney during our evenings spent together. Oh how I miss my babies and my friends back in Australia.
I've been moving on alright here in Florida; the weather is a tiny bit temperamental with the cold winds and humid heat...but it's pleasant I must say.
Maggie is from Washington state and we're having lots of fun entertaining each other in this fairly foreign place for the both of us. It's nice to have someone to cook for; have dinner out with and just hang out sharing experiences. We humour each other just chatting about our lives and discovering so much more about different parts of the world we're familiar with. I admit we do go about the day with a fair bit of miscommunication despite the fact we both speak perfect English... it's just the "type" of English which tickles us both! I sliced my finger on the edge of a fluted brioche tin in the sink while washing up in class one day... I approached Chef James for a "plaster" and everyone turned around with a confused look on their face..and he said "a what?"!
I thought about it for 2 seconds and rephrased myself. "May I have a band-aid please?" and I was understood. *laughs* There are a fair number of words which I use that Americans find amusing. I guess it becomes part of my Malaysian charm. *shrug* I still say it's a lorry..not a truck *grin*
So what have I been doing for food?
Nope! I've not been eating out much; I don't really enjoy the American 'cuisine'... they have around Orlando. It's not easy to find something I want to the only option I have is to cook it myself at home. Most places here are fast food chains like Mcds, KFC, Dennys, Wendy's..

The only problem with food network is; it makes you hungry....
...Watching people make and eat delicious food
...and photograph that food so disgusting well;
it really is a problem for me! It's so evil.. it gives me cravings! I CANT LOOK AWAY!! *AHhHHh* I could almost taste it!

So what have I been making for myself?

A week after my first grocery shopping run; I woke up this morning to no milk or eggs or bread. I needed breakfast...and I dug around for whatever I could find. I had the cereal...but no milk.. I had the instant oatmeal..but no milk.. *laughs*
I decided to use half that amount to make breakfast cookies coated in crunchy crushed cornflakes and loaded with chewy oatmeal goodness inside! The dried blueberries and cherries makes these huge delicious cookies much 'healthier'!
It's actually a real pretty day outside..and I think it'll be a splendid idea to take a walk around the lake.
Yes, I'm 1000% sure you will love watching Ace of Cake.
I remember my first year here.. I didn't dare pronounce the word "can't" cos everytime I did that, my All American Girl, classmate would gasp and declare "you said a bad word"... our Malaysian or British way of saying can't is more a U vowel than A vowel... and I was very concious with that word after that. I would rather say.. I can not.. than I can't.... After living here for 12 yrs.. I've gotten the hang of it.. hahaha.. good luck and have a fun time learning another's culture.. that's the enriching part in living overseas.
hei honey.. it took me more than 10 minutes to read ur stories in US. haha. its been 4 years since we left school n i c how my darling changed so much. she's using the freedom that she always wanted duirng school time *grin* wisely. hugs for u girl...
Hi Su! This is Chiara from Italy. Now it's 10.12 AM, thank you so much for your reply, I've just read it! I lived in the USA for 6 months and yes, they give you BIG portions. I never finished one; always asked for the 'doggy bag (=leftovers)' which I enjoyed very very much!!!
Big Hug and Have a good day. XXX
PS. Hi Su, it's Chiara again! When I post a comment, immediately afterwards I always remember that I forgot to tell you something! Re Language differences: they are so much fun and very stimulating. Beside cups convertions for baking recipes, words such as Lorry and truck or plaster and band-aid provide a small and lovely example of it. So nice!!! There are many more I can't remember right now.
Big hug. XXX
wow. ur life there looks really exciting. its quite amazing how u settle don't so easily.
jo, singpaore
Hey Su, I have been reading your blog off and on, and realized recently that you're here in the States. I'm in Nebraska, smack right in the middle of this country. I have been here for 5 years, I'm from Klang, Malaysia. Glad you're enjoying yourself with school. I'm hoping to study pastry arts in the future.
The language and'll get use to it. I was in your shoes when I first got here, someone actually thought I was from UK. :P
Hope to see some pretty pastries from you.
I love this blog. You're so cute!! :)
Hi Su,
Really happy for your dreams are coming true. The way you bake your cookies is how I bake my stuff usually. Just bake it according to our feel. Haha... And sometimes ended up making something that turns out a disaster. Hehe... Anyway, really want to find out more about what you will be learning over there as it's also my dream to learn all these skills and be a professional chef/baker.
Take care.
Hello again! Thank-you for you response^_^! Florida does have annoying weather! It is very cold here in New York. Still trying to settle here. You must live in an apartment to have a kitchen to cook in? Where I stay there is no kitchen *torn*! Maybe you'll post enough goodies for me to make at someone else's kitchen*smiles*? I'm glad you founs a friend, and you will do fine with your winning personality!
Beautiful biscuits!
It's great reading about your classes and the more detail you add, the better! Sounds like lots of fun most of the time.
Thanks for sharing :)
i predict su will someday have her own show on the food network
Jane of all trades: Hahaha! Thats sO funny! I havn't had that problem yet though; I still say 'cant' the way I usually would :P
hasI: :) YES!!! I did it! Hahaha it wasn't empty hopes :P
chiara: wow you have an extremely pretty name! hehe thanks for the hugs XOXO
sundownprince: yeap! im efficient ;) hehehe
michelle: its real wonderful to hear from you; I still do use my british english terminology; I just educate my american friends when they don't understand! *laughs* :P it's fun laughing at differences and miscommunicating sometimes.
cap'njack: aww..thanks *blush*
cutie: thanks for your words of encouragement. I hope things turn out for you too! I'm doing what I love; and I wish that for everyone. CHasing your dreams is probably the best feeling!
chillisugar: OMG! I wouldn't survive without a kitchen! haha when i pick a place; first place I check out is the KITCHEN!! it must have an oven.. a stove top; fair sized refrigerator and work bench! hehe. Thanks heaps aja for your kind compliments :)
sweetrosie: yes! it is! I love it!! hehe will be sharing my experiences for 6 months~ So log back to check out more ;)
ann marie: OoOooo..i wouldn't say that; haha that might take awhile :P
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