Getting there a minute before 8; I was happy to discover I was the last person to arrive. We even had time to sip on our hot cocoa topped with whipped cream which Mary had prepared for us. It was sinfully delicious! I tried not to think about the many calories I was injecting into my body so early in the day! *giggle* It was good for a super-sugar kick though, it really got my endorphins pumping for a bright and cheery morning.
Maggie and I jumped in together with Sabrina in her snazzy sports car as the group of us formed a long trail of cars; one following the other. It felt a little like Mary and James were the ducks and we were the ducklings. After 10 minutes or so on the highway; we eventually broke off and Sabrina whipped out her cool talking gadget GPS system which led us safely to Winter Park.

It was just like I imagined; everything was enticing and delectably fresh!! The produce was presented so well in cute wicker baskets and tiny wooden pails!

Inside the 'barn' like enclosed area out back; there were goodies in store! Stalls with toasty warm bagels and tempting pastries were hard to resist!

Throughout the day; we had the opportunity to photograph beautiful pots of orchids on sale as reference for our classes in the next couple of weeks where we will be taught to do sugar flowers in cake decorating classes.

The place was absolutely amazing.

Hi! I just stumbled onto your website...great pictures! So colourful-and yummy looking! Neat page you've got here-so many recipes-wow!
Anyway-just thought I'd say HI! Hope you're enjoying Florida!
Everything really does look so fresh! You're so lucky they have the farmer's market open on the weekdays, here it's only on Saturdays!
The alcoholic in me can literally taste that wine in my mouth... I can imagine it being extremely delicious :D
Hi Su Yin
Greetings from rainy KL...Am a fan of your blog and have a great time in Florida honing your love for sugarcraft and all thing scrumptious...
Love your pics - how do you get a lot of pics on your post??? Been trying to do that myself but to no avail...If you have the time - appreciate to learn how! Thanks and keep baking and inspiring us!!
Hey Su yin
I just want to say that you and your cakes inspire me!! I am really into making cakes right now and I already tried a few of your recipes, they are delicious! I saw your Mario cake in a Dutch game magazine once! They already love you over here ;)
Ello Su Yin! The colours from your pictures really come out great! Lovely angles too. Especially lovin the ones with the apples and orchids. Im sure you cant wait to get kickin with makin the orchids! am just excited as you are! Kepp pushing on! God bless,
raechelle: thanks raechelle :) I'm loving it here! thanks for leaving a msg~
peachymango: heya~ It was a saturday actually! haha..they arent open any other days of the week :P
yan: tsk got to learn to lay off the quantity :P
maizura: hiya~ thanks for that..thats real sweet of you; i can believe i have fans.. the word fan is too shocking for me! haha Thanks for all that..i use Picasa from Google to make collages of can download it for free~
raffika: hey; im glad im an inspiration for you work. I can't believe I came out in a magazine without knowing!!! OMG! so happy the recipes have worked out well for ya :) it's so nice to know. thanks dear.
ben: hi ben; thanks for the comments on my photography.. it still is pretty dodgy work..haha the apples are my favourites too! the trick is; pretty apples= pretty pictures! haha its easy to take pictures of flowers; they are already pretty on their own! haha half the work is done! You're right; i cant wait to make the sugar flowers! haha. This course has my full undivided attention; i love it. thanks for leaving me a note..truly appreciate it
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