Hit the Cheesecake Bullseye!

I came across a really simple and quick recipe from CookingforEngineers a couple of days ago and decided it would be great to use that for my cheesecake today. All it requires is;
1 lb cream cheese softened
2 large eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 large eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
(for the cookie base; you can use an entire cookie and drop it in the center of your cupcake paper lining or you can do what I've done which is ( 6 slices digestive crushed mixed with 1 tbsp castor sugar and 50gms melted butter) I pressed this into the base of my cupcake molds.
Beat the all the ingredients till smooth and divide into separate bowls ( as many colours as you like I guess). Drop food colouring into each different bowl of filling and stir to combine. I coloured my brown with melted chocolate and pink with some strawberry jam. It needed a couple more drops as the jam didn't give a bright enough shade of pink.
Carefully spoon mixtures of the cheese into the center; one colour at a time alternately. You should get rings of differently colours; as shown here on mine.
Bake in preheated 175 degree oven for 15 minutes and allow to cool. Place in refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving.
They were absolutely delicious! Really interesting to make as well! People usually have brown and beige as a combination for their bullseye...but being the girly girl that I am, I couldn't resist the idea of strawberries and pink! LOL.
Here's a variation I made with more brown filling and a little chocolate chip on top. Oh, by the way...if you were wondering how I made those little tiny arrows; they were made with tooth picks and little bits of sugar paste formed into triangles. The ends were just little pieces of sticky tape I cut and shaped. They don't really serve a purpose; but I thought they would be cute. *grin*
Here's a picture of my new cupcake apron! I love it to pieces!! It wouldn't look like this for too long though...I have a history of really dirty @ seasoned aprons. This black one will probably be grey in no time! *sob*

Beat the all the ingredients till smooth and divide into separate bowls ( as many colours as you like I guess). Drop food colouring into each different bowl of filling and stir to combine. I coloured my brown with melted chocolate and pink with some strawberry jam. It needed a couple more drops as the jam didn't give a bright enough shade of pink.
Carefully spoon mixtures of the cheese into the center; one colour at a time alternately. You should get rings of differently colours; as shown here on mine.
Bake in preheated 175 degree oven for 15 minutes and allow to cool. Place in refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving.
They were absolutely delicious! Really interesting to make as well! People usually have brown and beige as a combination for their bullseye...but being the girly girl that I am, I couldn't resist the idea of strawberries and pink! LOL.
Here's a variation I made with more brown filling and a little chocolate chip on top. Oh, by the way...if you were wondering how I made those little tiny arrows; they were made with tooth picks and little bits of sugar paste formed into triangles. The ends were just little pieces of sticky tape I cut and shaped. They don't really serve a purpose; but I thought they would be cute. *grin*

Wow..suyin your cheesecake is so colourful...
Really envy your energy of coming out all these good food... envy your room mate
Oh my! the apron is so adorable! Perfect match :D
thanks ellena and audrey.
I feel they were a little too bright though...I wanted tomake the pink a little more pastel in shade...but the strips wouldnt stant out enough...so i had to make them bright pink! haha
Hey suyin!
the cheesecake was really nice :)
especially like the base!(pinky shared with us)thanx heaps!
lots of luck for the exams n all the very best!
hey jackie! thats really sweet of you :)
Best of luck for your exams as well; hope youre not freaking out as much as pinky! haha
Very cool, Suyin. You did a fantastic job with the cupcakes! I also love that apron. Where's is from? I totally want to get one.
Thanks Suyin. Even if they don't, I'm sure I can bribe one of my Sydney friends to ship one to me.
that sounds like a plan :) lol...mail them some cookies express! haha
Hi Suyin,
Thanks so much for the link! Those bulls-eye cupcakes are marvelous! I've only seen this type in brown and white, but pink? Genius!
all thanks to your inspiring post lori :)
hey chloe...this should help :)
Oh so beautiful!!! Well done girl.
thanks puspha
So pretty!!! I love pink as well! :) It seems pretty tough to get it so perfectly shaped tho! as in the different coloured swirls! Well done!:)
Hi! Suyin.
I really love your cheesecake...you're a genius!
Today, I have made the cheesecake but I have failed of making the 'bulls eye'. I need your help S.O.S. from you, Please!
First, I pour white batter on the biscuit base. Second, I pour brown in the center. 3rd, I pour white in the center ... etc. It's come out that the surface is white and with a brown circle in the middle.
Thanks a lot.
hey yiin yin, the problem could possibly be that your batter is too thick. you need a cheesecake batter which is a liquid and flowy consistency, try beating the cheese a little longer to remove lumps and add 2 tbsp's of milk
Thanks for your help and reply me so early. (^o^)
One more question... You mean that my steps are correct but the batter is not flowy??
yea...what you're doing sounds right. But the batter consistency isn't. Try adding a little fluid
Thanks Suyin. @-->--
The cheesecake is taste good but the pattern is awful that I have made. But now, I have your Genius's direction...I will try again.
Introduce myself: I'm Malaysian too but I live in H.K.
Nice to meet you. Good Luck!
Excellent job!
I have to do this, too :)
Hey lovely cheesecake you have!!! I was actually researching for my french essay (about food) but I chance upon this recipe and drop everything and rush to the kitchen immediately. =X
However, unlike your beautiful cheesecake, mine turn out a mess and I had to swirl it in the end (which are quite ugly too). =(
I shall try again SOON!!!
Hi Suyin, i love explore ur blog...and i already tried this bulls eye cheese cupcakes...it's easy maa....thanksss a lot....and i got order from my friend....huhuhu....u r inspired me...SUYIN! thanks a lot....
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